Take my hand and let me lead you out of heartache, and into absolute Joy and Abundance forever…

In 5 Simple Steps, My Free Audios Will Reprogram & Shift Your Internal ’Dominant Frequency’ to That of Total Abundance, Prosperity and Joy No Matter What Your Circumstance In Life…

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You’ll begin to ONLY receive love, freedom, WEALTH, vibrant health, and everything else to transform and effortlessly live your most amazing & ideal life starting NOW!

Listen to Jack Canfield, The Number One Success Coach in the World, featured star of the hit movie "The Secret" and co-creator of the Chicken Soup For The Soul Series, talk about how From Heartache To Joy is helping people transform their lives across the globe!

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I promise…

These FREE energetic healings and meditative audios that I’m giving to you today as a gift will tap into the hidden powers of the universe, and unleash a life beyond your dreams!

These are the same 5 steps I took to go from being divorced, broke and miserable to having a life of joy, peace, love and abundance in just 7 months.

I’m now living my passion with a dream career & business that has made me millions in just a few short years. And I couldn’t be more joyous, alive, free, and happy.

And now it’s your turn!

Are You Ready To Clear All Your Blocks?

My passion is to guide and help others clear their ‘internal blocks’ so they get out of their pain and struggles, and into amazing transformation.

I do this by sharing my own knowledge and wisdom, along with sharing other experts’ knowledge, wisdom, and gifts with you every month.

And I do this each month for free through my amazing teleclass that you can call into and attend at no charge.

These calls will help you clear your blocks, and take your energetic ‘vibration’ to a higher level.

And they will lead you to a healthier, emotionally more blissful and peaceful YOU, while attracting endless abundance into your life including love, money, wealth, and happiness.

But I Don’t Want You Waiting.

See How These 5 Steps You’re Going To Follow Today (Including the FREE Audios) Will Immediately Change Your Reality…

Niky Rey Chakra Clearing and Energizing audio meditation

In the first audio, you’re going to have a powerful meditation process that takes you through each ‘chakra’ (energy field) in your body one by by one to let go of negativity and blocks. And each of them will change your life in positive ways!

Eric Altman Your Million Dollar Activation

In audio #2, you’ll release and AVOID the blocks that are holding you back from manifesting abundance, and finally welcome and ENJOY the feeling of your dreams coming true with this incredibly powerful activation.

Julie Renee Get Out of Debt Immediately

In this third audio, you’ll experience an ancient Sanskrit mantra for the immediate removal of debt! Play it on a loop during the day and watch your debt disappear!

Michelle Carter Cut Your Ties to All Negative Influences

Audio number 4 is a healing audio that cuts and removes ties to people who are negatively influencing us and our lives. No longer are people’s negative energies going to ever bring you down or hold you back.

Total Immersion!

Experience the law of immersion to ensure you stay at your new higher vibration with my free daily tele summit.

This is the missing piece for most people. You must understand that if you want all the joy, peace, and abundance and love in your life, you MUST immerse yourself on a daily and weekly basis into your new joyous change.

This is why so many people have tried this “type of stuff” in the past and STILL feel stuck. The ‘high’ or momentum and motivation simply dies out after a while… and they go back to their old ‘default’ ways of struggling and suffering.

Their spiritual frequency has been set to a certain level for years and years, and that’s where they’re bound to ‘default’ back to. That’s why just a few days of doing this stuff won’t bring the permanent change you need!

That’s why my FREE daily tele summit is the 5th and final step you must take.

My tele summit will take care of this most critical and final, default-breaking step for you to give you absolute permanent change!

And it’s free. Every day :)

Each day you’ll get to calling for free and listen to me interview one of 50+ highly sought after healers, teachers and thought leaders that will stretch your mind and spirit until you can’t possibly stay the same.

Meet the thought-leaders, intuitives, healers, Universal Law Masters and empowerment teachers here:

And you too can create similar dramatic shifts like so many others have! All by listening to the daily free calls!!


Problems with money, relationships or health REALEASED to allow a life of abundance, joy and health.


Addiction to toxic relationships HEALED to feel cherished and loved in validating relationships!


Dealing with chaos and lack and feeling powerless TRANSFORMED to a life of balance and empowerment!


Stuck in limiting patterns and feeling blocked RELEASED to experience easy and joy all the time, every time!


Issues around career and financial abundance Transformed within a short period of time into a flow of effortless abundance!


Feeling unloved, unworthy and un-important to FEELING worthy, on purpose and sharing your gifts with the world while receiving all your good!

Don't Miss a Single Spirit-Lifting Session. Sign Up NOW!

The 5 Step Activation Kit is yours free as soon as you send us your name and email address!

amazed at the shifts taking place most powerful series I have ever come across...

"I have been listening to and doing the clearing work from the replays of "From heartache to joy" and am absolutely amazed at the shifts taking place. This is the most powerful series I have ever come across. I could not believe during one replay, while taking a break from work at my office, that I instantly received healing of 3rd chakra issues that have kept me blocked since adolescence. It was so powerful that right there and then I felt the Earth star energy infuse my 3rd chakra and was able to RECEIVE for the first time in a very long time. I have done a lot of energy work since October 2012 to open and balance chakras that were blocked and my 3rd chakra issues just could not be cleared...until today!! Thank you so much for this incredible work and gift you are sharing with the world. May the universe continue to abundantly bless you."

~ Tabitha

Here's what some of our past attendees have to say

I feel like you and all the other hosts and speakers are all here with me on this incredible journey.

"You and your series has truly touched my heart...I know exactly what you mean about how listening to them raised your vibration. I feel like you and all the other hosts and speakers are all here with me on this incredible journey. I think that my biggest revelations over this past year were about self-love and boundaries - concepts I had barely heard of before."

...Each Call Brings Another Layer of Healing...

I just wanted to thank you personally for doing these tele-summit calls. Like you, I am healing along with these tele-summits through my soul transformation. Each call brings another layer of healing for me. Amazing! I'm SO very grateful to you for organizing and doing these tele-summits. I've been with you since last year and will stay with your tele-summits forever so keep up the good work! We healers around the world appreciate your hard work to bring healing to us! Love and blessings.

Went from experiencing sadness & depression into Joy just with one call...

"Hi Eram, I went from heartache to joy in one phone call today. I cannot express enough gratitude to you and the speaker... I wanted to listen to it as I cannot even explain what happened to me ...Crazy, wow inexplicable. I tune in faithfully and rely on the work that you do by providing this summit (without which) my life is in shambles."

And the World's Top Masters & Healers and experience instant Transformation!
...amazed at the shifts taking place. most powerful series I have ever come across! ~ Tabita
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