When you enroll in your FREE Global Tele-Summit you might find yourself quickly + easily...
Most people sign up now because it guarantees that
you won’t miss a single speaker.
Pay close attention because below is what I refer to as
“...the fine print...”
Once the call is over you have just 48 hours to listen to a
free replay and then it goes into our vault until further
notice. We take these calls and make them into
products that people are happy to pay for.
That’s right… these calls will go on sale after the Global
Summit is complete but you get the opportunity to listen to
them all for free by reserving your place now.
P.S. If you’re looking for massive change, there’s no better time than NOW. In fact, you’ll get more than just ‘hot new ways to manifest faster’ when you join us. Each of the 21+ world renowned healers, teachers and thought leaders are standing at the ready to blow your mind clean of blocks, obstacles and negative patterns.
The decision is yours. Whether you look back on your life a year from now, and see the transformation, or still feel stuck in the same rut, is up to you.
Rikka is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, and an acclaimed international speaker, author and singer/songwriter, with her new vibrationally enhanced conscious music album scheduled to debut soon!
Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Rikka travels the world and works with thousands of people radiating a vibration of joy, peace, possibility and Oneness in all she does. Her light is a beacon of inspiration, inviting each person on the planet to remember, embrace and BE the magnificent, unique expression of the divine they were born to be!
Through Rikka’s Adventure in Oneness events, which include in-person and live streamed “eventures”, telesummits, teleclasses, an ever growing Membership Site and more, she empowers people to know they are the catalysts for bringing about transformation for themselves and the planet.
In addition to facilitating classes all over the world, Rikka has collaborated with internationally recognized spiritual teacher Panache Desai, and appeared alongside speakers and authors including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Lynn McTaggert, Gregg Braden, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson and other conscious leaders. Rikka appears on TV and Radio shows internationally as well as in print and online publications.
Derek Rydall
After a life-changing ‘brush with death’ while making a movie, Derek Rydall considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years — emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist, best-selling author, and adopt a monk (that’s another story). The world’s leading expert on THE LAW OF EMERGENCE, he has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies in relationship and communication skills, coached writers, artists, and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners) on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and taught tens of thousands of people around the planet how to tap into their highest purpose, unlock their hidden potential, and live their true destiny – all with a deeper connection to their spirit.
Dee Wallace
Love yourself beyond anyone or anything else. Love yourself so much that you can't do anything that doesn't make you love yourself more.
As a much sought after public speaker, Dee has spoken at numerous national and international venues including the Love and Harmony Forum in Tokyo, Japan; The Dillion Lecture Series, Unity Temple, Cornerstone Foundation, and the Kansas Film Commission in Kansas; The Sally Johnson Studio in New York; Spiritworks; The Sierra Madre Women’¬s Club; Energetic Healing seminars throughout England; and her own healing and teaching seminars throughout the United States. Dee has appeared on every major news and talk show and has been featured on E! True Hollywood Stories, Oprah and The O'Reilly Factor. On a weekly basis, Dee conducts numerous private healing sessions at her office in Woodland Hills, California.
As an author, Dee has written a book devoted to the art of self-healing. She conducts monthly workshops to introduce people to the healing techniques outlined in her book, Conscious Creation.
In addition to her ongoing work with fellow actors as an acting teacher and mentor, Dee devotes all her extra time to her beautiful daughter Gabrielle.
Christopher Tims
It’s been said that Christopher Tims makes people’s dreams come true. A true master teacher and guide, Christopher is here to remind us of our own Divine nature, and the abundance of the Universe that we are. By helping us redefine our world view, Christopher guides us toward the experience of Oneness, resulting in a richly fulfilled life.
The answer to all of our questions, and the solution to all of our problems, is always Oneness, God, Sacred Unity, our own Divine Nature-- whatever you choose to call it. And Christopher, himself an embodiment of this universal truth, is your expert and experienced guide to this Spiritual Frontier. He will walk with you as you explore, teaching you and reminding you of who you really are-- ultimately freeing you to live the life of your dreams; the life that you were born to live.
Highly clairvoyant and clairaudient since childhood, Christopher feels that these and other abilities, while blessed gifts, are merely byproducts of the union with the one Source that we are all a part of and inseparable from. Christopher teaches that it's natural for all of us to directly experience Sacred Unity, as he guides us to the Oneness that rests within each of us. As we experience Sacred Unity, life unfolds as a dream fulfilled and as hope realized.
Understanding that his teaching and guidance is universal -- intended for all, applicable to all, and beneficial to all -- Christopher wanted to also make it more accessible to all. On January 8th, 1988, Christopher founded The Order of The Blue Star and through it began sharing The Eternal Teachings worldwide. The Mystery of Sacred Unity revealed in The Eternal Teachings is universal and inclusive by its very nature-- nothing is fragmented and everything is connected. Nothing is more inclusive than Oneness, for we all have the “eyes to see and ears to hear.”
In addition to possessing and sharing the knowledge and understanding of the Eternal Teachings, Christopher embodies these powerful and profound teachings. As such, people are able to experience, through his presence or even his voice, a facilitated direct connection to Oneness. Many people report that these experiential moments with Christopher completely transcend any of the teachings, materials or information he delivers. And it is through this experiential connection to Sacred Unity or Oneness, that we will ultimately experience true freedom, and live the manifestation of our dreams.
Christopher also possesses deep and profound knowledge of ancient civilizations and world religions. Christopher’s background in world religions was complemented by his travels with the Dalai Lama in his early tours in North America. Christopher also spent time at the Sivananda Yoga Center in the Bahamas with Swami Vishnudevananda. In addition to having his own insights into and doing his own research in Ancient Civilizations, Christopher has completed the Teacher Training Certification by renowned Sumerian Language and culture authority, Zecharia Sitchin, which was only offered once in Sitchin’s 40 year career. As well, Christopher has travelled to Egypt with author and renegade archaeologist John Anthony West. Being a dear friend ofAnna Mitchell Hedges, Christopher has had multiple one on one direct experiences with the Crystal Skull. Most recently Christopher has had one on one interactions with Max, another ancient Crystal Skull.
Christopher is also a pioneer in alternative healing, having developed his own signature system of sound energy work, years before sound healing became popular. This signature system of healing called 'Sound Energy Dynamics', uses tuning forks over and around the body to release dissonant energy forms such as emotions, memories, concepts and structures, without the need for diagnosis, processing or analysis.
Although people have reported that Christopher’s 'Sound Energy Dynamics' system has “cured” them of everything from fibroid tumors to Epstein Barr, his approach to healing is truly of The Aquarian Age—completely non-diagnostic. Christopher says, “What I do is not designed to diagnose or treat symptoms or conditions, but to strengthen and enhance the Perfect Divine Template already present within each of us.”
Christopher remains ahead of the curve by designing, building and incorporating sound tables and mats for body work, full spectrum strobe light systems, and Tesla energy enhancing devices into his healing work. All of these modalities are designed and utilized by Christopher, not to cure or fix a problem or ailment, but instead to transcend, disassociate from, and drop it, bringing us back to our perfect Divine state of being.
According to Christopher, the body is a living temple, vessel that we use to fulfill all of our hopes and dreams and it is indispensable and inseparable from any other part of the spiritual path. Christopher is an authority on wellness, nutrition, and vibrant health. His expert knowledge and experience is built on thirty years of being a vegetarian and a competitive athlete, and being a graduate of both the Hippocrates Health Institute and the Ann Wigmore Institute which are based on raw and living food nutrition. Understanding the paramount importance of nourishing the Divine within us, and knowing that the ultimate Healer is already present within each of us, Christopher has constructed a foundational blueprint for a healthy life.
The spokes in the wheel of life such as Ancient texts, World religions, healing and vibrant health have their beginning and their ending in Oneness. What Christopher shares in The Eternal Teachings comes from both direct perception and experiences. He says, "I teach things that can't be taught to people who already know them. At my very best, all I can be is a figment of your own imagination, reminding you of what you already are."
Raquel Spencer
Raquel Spencer is an internationally acclaimed Multi-Dimensional Energy and Cellular Light Specialist, Author, Facilitator and Intuitive. Raquel has been referred to as a MultiDimensional Computer, Energetic Electrician and Master Healer of Cellular Light.
She works within the Quantum Fields and Pure Potential of Light and Sound assisting others to embody their own Divine Essence. She specializes in activating the dormant mind/body Light pathways and multi-dimensional cellular codes of Light that assists you with remembering your True Self!
Simply stated, Raquel's work prepares the physical and energetic bodies for the upcoming shift by accessing her ancient memories and skills from lifetimes as a Hathor, Tibetan Monk, Atlantean Healer, knowledge from the Original Etheric Crystal Skulls and many cosmic/universal expressions.
A graduate of CSU, Sacramento with a B.S. in Business, Raquel worked for Fortune 100 companies for more than twenty years. Her life shifted profoundly after an unexplained 5-week coma, during which she underwent a Soul Braid and a rewiring of her physical and energetic systems. The coma marked the beginning of her own personal awakening and preparation to fulfill her ancient agreement to help prepare humanity for the "Shift in Consciousness."
Jarrad Hewett
Jarrad Hewett is a gifted healer who has worked with some of the biggest and most recognizable names in the self-help and spiritual movement. He is the bestselling author of Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation, as well as the co-author of the #1 International Best-seller, The Big E - Everything is Energy. Through his work, he seeks to help others reconnect with their own inner guidance, wisdom, and peace. His goal is to empower all of creation by sharing his personal humor and insight.
Jarrad was born clairvoyant and clairaudient with the gift to see all forms of energy. Raised in a strict, conservative home, Jarrad was taught to hide his gifts. Religion told him that he was flawed, broken, and wrong. As he grew, this manifested in becoming morbidly obese by the age of 9. In his early twenties, he suffered from debilitating heart problems that often landed him in the Emergency room. Crippled by anxiety and depression, wracked with guilt and disease, and believing his heart condition was going to kill him, he finally surrender to the realization that everything is energy.
Today Jarrad is a whole new person having transcended all his past stories of disease and disharmony. Jarrad is one of the most powerful and brilliant healers, writers, and channels on the planet. Jarrad provides an awe-inspiring view of God, Consciousness and what it means to be alive. Constant as the ever-present moment of now is our Source Self, and Jarrad's message is a living embodiment to that concept. Understanding how to reach and operate from that center are the keys to uniting and healing not just a fractured culture, but a fractured self. By tapping into our authentic self, we begin to see in life-altering ways that through our own actions, in-actions, thoughts, beliefs, how our world has come into being.
Jarrad charts new territory not only with his casual, fun, conversation-style of healing, but also with the profundity and in-depth explanations of how the Law of Attraction actually works, why it sometimes appears not to work, and how every single subject in our lives all relates back to one simple subject: Love. He powerfully demonstrates the full potential of love and conscious creatorship in ways that will astound, astonish, and leave you breathlessly moved.
Jarrad takes his audience on an adventure to explore not only the self and one's own creation, but the role of the self in the overall creation and experience of the universe as well. Most importantly, he empowers everyone to live in the now and shows in life-altering ways how to truly love oneself.
Christie Marie Sheldon
Christie Sheldon is an Author, Intuitive Life Coach and Transformation Expert. She connects to the Heart of the Matter of why you are stuck creating the repeating patterns that stop you. Using her cutting edge techniques she helps people create profound change so they never have to repeat their self destructive patterns again.
Christie has been featured with such luminaries as John Assaraf, Jack Canfield, John DeMartini, T Harv Ecker, Lisa Nichols, Bob Proctor and Marci Shimoff, among many others. Over the past 15 years, she has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide clear their blocks in 1-on-1 and Group Coaching, from Authors, Political and Business leaders, Entertainers and Professional Athletes to Parents, Families and Entrepreneurs.
Christie is phenomenally entertaining and engaging to audiences as she uses her Intuitive Gifts and skills to tap into what most people never see, hear or know...the truth about themselves, their lives and what they must do to change the Energetic Vibration they live in. She showers you with tools to shift this reality to love, joy and celebration.
Eric Altman
Eric Altman is an awakened spiritual teacher committed to assist in the awakening of each person. Eric works internationally offering a system of energy healing transmissions he developed and coined Heart Field Healing. Effective both in person and at a distance. Eric has a gift of transmitting optimal energy to others. This Source energy has an intelligence of its own and results in profound physical, emotional and spiritual transformation. Eric's transmissions promote presence, inner freedom, wellness, creativity and self-reliant wholeness. Eric combines his gift of healing with an awakened state of teaching. To him the biggest myth of all time is that spiritual evolution is difficult. He devotes his life to cutting through this paradigm. Rather, freedom is about subtracting the ideas around awakening and claiming what is already fully complete inside of you. Eric is here to demonstrate to you that you can instantly ignite and live in the truth of who you are.
Debra Cummings
Debra Cummings has overcome many obstacles in her life including spending years in depression, a constant state of anxiety and having panic attacks on a regular basis. It took numerous prescription medications for Debra just to be able to function.nShe is a person who came from a childhood of sexual abuse, low self-esteem, no confidence, and lack of purpose in her life.
Debra spent many years pretending to be perfect, pretending to be nice, pretending to be happy. She pretended to be someone else until being introduced to the methods founded and developed by Jo Dunning, her life became easier and she began to discover her true self.
Ken Lauher
Ken Lauher advises individuals, businesses and organizations on how to implement practical Feng Shui solutions to help you achieve your goals & live a more fulfilling life. His inspiring and transformational work with well known actors, actresses, TV Hosts, singers, songwriters, CEO's and business owners makes him a sought after speaker.
Ken is all about personal transformation and growth, empowering and inspiring tens of thousands of women and men around the world to have "Freedom" in your personal and financial life. By showing you the patterns for success and blending it all together with the right mindset, anything is possible.
Ken will show you how you too can "Master Your Life" moving through your limits to what you think are possible for yourself and your space. He invites you to come along this journey with him and to like never before get unstuck, achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.
Ann Taylor
Ann Taylor is a world-renowned energy healer and the founder of Inner Healing, Inc. Over the past 17 years Ann has used her healing gift to empower tens of thousands of people in 111 different countries, including all 50 US states, to miraculously eliminate fears, worries, and limiting beliefs that have haunted them their entire lives... all within a matter of minutes! She has worked with and is endorsed by Dr. Bernie Siegel, Joe Vitale and Robert Scheinfeld to name a few.
Ann was a very successful stockbroker for over 12 years and a VP of a Fortune 500 company when she was guided to change her life path and discovered her amazing ability to heal. Over the past 3 decades Ann has been committed to personal and spiritual growth, learning new concepts and techniques that empowered her to be of service and make a contribution to humanity.
Ann has a gift for creating instantaneous miraculous changes in consciousness at a deep and profound level that is unlike anything else available today. What is unique about Ann is that her gift reprograms you with a new consciousness that makes it so that the original limiting belief never returns. Those issues will never be issues again. No one else can replicate Ann's results in permanently eliminating limiting beliefs, bad habits, and negative emotions. Her gift will create these transformative miraculous changes whether heard live or recorded - one on one or with thousands of people at a time.
Her healing work is legendary.
Deborah Pietsch
Deborah Ariel Pietsch is an award-winning producer who traverses
between the world of business and a very multi-dimensional existence
24/7. Awakened in 1987, Deb has been clairvoyantly “opened up like a
tin can”. Additionally she’s been Activated to BE an Activator; by being
a conduit for high vibration LIGHT frequency that Activates Codes
(& much more) held in each of our Light Grid Matrix of our DNA, as
well as Mother Earth. She has the ability to bridge communication with
people’s Higher Selves and ‘Beings of Light’ Guides, providing detailed
info & insights for your big-picture-purpose, as well as very
detailed information for what’s in your Highest Truth for your life now.
The Light Energy she is a conduit for creates profound and fast shifts
by clearing blocks, clearing core issue programming, entity clearing,
cord removal, Activating “I AM Presence”, 3rd Eye Openings, Heart Chakra
Connection, Soul Remembrance and much more.
Dr. Joe Rubino
Dr. Joe Rubino is an internationally acclaimed authority on self esteem building, a life-changing personal development trainer and success coach and the internationally best-selling author of 11 books available worldwide in 19 languages. His life-altering book, “The Self-Esteem Book: The Ultimate Guide to Boost the Most Important Ingredient for Success and Happiness in Life” is already in 5 languages and has contributed the secret to soaring self-esteem to readers around the world.
In his most recent product release: “Success Factor #1: The REAL Source of Success”, Dr. Rubino collaborates with success experts like T. Harv Eker, Robert Scheinfeld, David Riklan (selfgrowth.com), Sharon Wilson, Mark Joyner, Michael Lovitch (hypnosisnetwork.com) and many more.
He is the CEO of The Center for Personal Reinvention, an organization that has impacted the lives of more than 1 million people through personal development, self-esteem enhancing and leadership development programs, providing participants with cutting edge tools and strategies to maximize their happiness, self-esteem, communications skills, productivity and personal effectiveness. Through his publications, his speaking engagements and personal coaching, Dr. Joe Rubino has contributed to championing thousands of people to raise their self-esteem levels and live boldly and with passion. His vision is to impact the lives of 20million people to live without regret, in harmony with their most important values, while being their very best.
Robin and Michael Mastro
Robin and Michael Mastro are practitioners, educators and scholars of Vastu Shastra, the sacred Vedic science of living in harmony with nature. The Mastros have authored three books on Vastu ---Altars of Power & Grace ~ Create the Life You Desire, The Way of Vastu ~ Creating Prosperity Through the Power of the Vedas, and Making Room for Mr. Right ~ How to Attract the Love of Your Life--- that introduce you to powerful, ancient secrets and universal laws that improve all aspects of life. Robin and Michael are experts at showing you how to create sacred space to magnetize and support harmonious, stress-free living, eliminating the blocks that stands in your way of better health, improved productivity, fulfilling relationships and career advancement. Unite mind, body, and spirit through this ancient science and experience greater peace and success in all areas of your life.
Britta Dubbels
Britta Dubbels is an intuitive, channel, and light ambassador who has assisted thousands of clients transition through challenging life circumstances to embrace change and live more empowered, compassionate lives. Britta sees and feels information in the form of energy or light -- which is our true essence. "Our energy and light is our power. Our mission to own the authentic empowerment that is our birthright, and magnify the light within each other."
Born in a small village in Northern Germany, Britta was whisked to NYC at age 17 to work as a model with the prestigious Ford agency. Following several years gracing magazine covers worldwide, Britta was eventually called to develop her innate gifts as a channel of light information in the service of humanity. She moved to California and spent years training in a number of healing modalities, to become an Imagery & Reiki Master and licensed hypnotist.
Fueled by a deep connection and love for people, Britta now runs a thriving practice from her home in Southampton, New York, where she works with clients from around the world including many famous names from the worlds of fitness, beauty, wellness and publishing. When she is not with clients, Britta writes and produces transformational media for all platforms including books, audios and video programs. A gifted communicator, she has produced three home study programs; Take Charge & Get What You Want, Awakened Mom, and the just-released Spiritual Strength Training. Britta also produces a weekly live video webcast during which she welcomes audience questions on a wide range of topics. The series, "Empowerment With Britta Dubbels," is hosted by Ezster Vadja and available free on Spreecast.
Britta says: "It is certain that the vibration on our planet is increasing. If life has placed change upon you, or you are sensing a call to create change, do not hesitate. The world may look chaotic, but in truth there has never been this much support energetically and spiritually to empower your transformation into wholeness. You are here to play big. Allow your greatest life yet!"
Robert Pease
Robert Pease is an intuitive doctor of metaphysical science and a transpersonal counselor who works with the fullest potential within everyone in his readings, counseling, writings and workshops. Robert is the author of books, audio cds, e-books, including his new book Spiritual Bootcamp: This Is Your Wake Up Calland the soon to be released Reiki Vibes: Unveiled andImagined Self vol. 1.
Robert, who holds a Ph.D. degree in transpersonal counseling and mystical science, is the creator of the Imagine Workshop and the Imagine Facilitator Experience and founder of Robert Pease International, The Peace Network, and host on Co-Creator Network’s radioshows Create Your Life By Design, The Reading Room and The Dr Robert Show.
Robert hasamassed several credentials and huge amounts of knowledge on his journey. He has experienced millionaire status to homelessness, sexual abuse, a catastrophic automobile accident, 9/11, PTSD as well asa near death experience. He became more conscious there was a greater calling. Robert says for those who are living in this reality of suffering and adversity, you WILL get to the other side.It became evident that his journey was to discover deeper levels of awareness; Opening up to Grace, "it is all about LOVE," Dr. Robert says.
Robert’s fascination with numbers as intuitive vibrations led him to numerology. He uses numbers in his "spiritual toolbox" to live a conscious and positive affirmed life. Numbers can help us understand our life purpose and what we attract (magnetize ) into our lives. His practice of Intuitive Numerology can help us better know our Self and to know and understand the people around us in our life. With the numbers in our birth chart we can begin to understand what tools we already are expressing in our life.
Let the "The Numbers Doctor" help guide you to a life of manifestation, knowledge and purpose!
Tori Hartman
Tori Hartman is a world renowned psychic, author and spiritual teacher. As the author of the Chakra Wisdom Oracle deck (scheduled to release June 2014 via Watkins Publishing UK),Tori’s latest endeavor, Multi-Generational Healing, continues to promote what has always been the key to her success; The spiritual empowerment, healing and education of people. She believes that in order to heal and manifest our heart’s desires we need to incorporate our family legacy to find our soul’s purpose and live with a deep sense of belonging.
When thinking about her deeply troubled mom, Tori says, “Life taught me that the deep wounds inflicted upon some of us as children are Spirit’s way of leaving us open to receive messages. We are given the gift of wounds to assist others in their healing.”
For over a decade now Tori Hartman has been promoting the empowerment of individuals along with acceptance of their intuition to make decisions.
In classes and seminars, Tori teaches people how to see the bigger picture while unveiling their hidden family agreements, and therefore finding their part in the tapestry of their family, as well as their purpose and inherited gifts.
Tori guarantees, “The door you enter through will not be the door from which you exit.”
Amanda Butler
Amanda Butler is a relationship and transformation expert whose comprehensive understanding and assessment of energetics has helped hundreds of people create confident, successful and fulfilled lives, relationships and careers. She utilizes and teaches a simple, yet very powerful cutting-edge technology, The Diamond Co-Creative System™ (The System) which she developed during her own journey of healing, spirituality and self-empowerment. Working at the core causal level versus just symptomatic, The System enables people to resolve issues formed due to past experiences, conditioning and programming which has kept them stuck in the rut of continually creating the same type of relationships and results. It provides them with the ability to rid themselves of their co-dependency and energetic patterns once and for all. Amanda is a keynote speaker, facilitator, coach, author and leader of her organization’s movement to eradicate co-dependency and past issues so that millions find the emotional freedom to be their True Self and co-create the success they desire.
Lexis Johnson
Lexis Johnson survived a slow uphill battle with all her stresses in life raising a large family alone with little support while having a lot of health issues. With no medical help advised during her pregnancies she went on a lifelong quest to find the real truth and master solutions that work for busy career women. What she discovered became the “Muffin Top Diet™” and her fool-proof “Muffin Top Diet Quizzes” to help you identify your health and stress challenges.
Lexis Johnson aka “Dr. Lexis” has an amazing program 3 decades in the making that helps busy burned out women deal with stress, belly fat, brain fog and empower successful women to find balance, re-ignite lost passions and melt away that belly fat with the “Muffin Top Diet™” Program.
After decades of extremely successful coaching in nutrition and lifestyle choices as Master Herbalist, Nutritional Consultant, and Traditional Naturopath, Dr. Lexis is getting ready to embark on her new journey as author of the “7 FairyTales of Weight Loss & One Very Happy Ending For YOU!” available through Amazon as well as forthcoming CEO, editor and publisher of the “Muffin Top Diet™” for Busy Burned Out Business Women online magazine coming soon in iTunes at the Apple Store.
Joanne Justis
Born into a metaphysical family, Ms. Justis has been a spiritual intuitive all of her life. She trained under her Mother, a Chaldean Master Numerologist who originally founded Numbers R U. And together, they have provided charts and readings since 1984. Ms. Justis created and designed a comprehensive and responsive Chaldean Numerology Web site (NumbersRU.com). Her computer software program, Numerology for the New Era, was inspired by and based on an original software program copyrighted by her mother in 1984. The result of years of research, Numerology for the New Era is a unique, one-of-a-kind, newly redesigned and revised innovative PC and web-based application which utilizes leading-edge technology and has the ability to calculate dates between 1900 and 3004, a span of over 1,000 years. This top-of-the-line software program enables NumbersRU.com to provide clients with perfectly accurate Numerology charts specializing in complete character analysis, holistic tracking of an individuals entire life experiences plus five years into the future, compatibility charts for families, singles, couples and business partners, in addition to baby name testing, naming for business ventures, companies, and products, pet and animal (pedigree) naming, and more.
Debra Poneman
After spending the decade of the '70's studying with the greatest living spiritual masters of the east and meditating up to 12 hours a day, often in complete silence for weeks at a time, Debra, a pioneer in the self-help movement, began studying the great masters of western metaphysical thought. In 1981she founded her company Yes to Success, Inc. and taught thousands of people around the world how to create lives of success and abundance. In fact, some of today’s most renowned transformational teachers and business leaders were Debra’s students and attribute their mega-success in both their professional and personal lives to the principles they learned through Debra’s “Yes to Success” seminars.
After taking a hiatus of over 20 years while she devoted her life to raising her children and after experiencing an illness that lead to a profound awakening, Debra is here to once again share timeless principles of manifesting your heart’s desire and living what she calls, “The New Success.”
Harrison Klein
They call him the World's Leading Transformational Luminary.
Transformational, because he has directly helped guide and teach thousands of people from every corner of the world into a new light and new understanding of their spiritual potential.
Luminary, because he enlightens others and helps them raise their consciousness from one level to the next.
Combine the two - Transformational and Luminary - and you have the ultimate, reality-based answer to one of life's greatest challenges... who am I and what am I meant to do while on this planet? People are inundated with spiritual lessons, secrets, and misguided information on how they can become a more spiritual being.
Harrison Klein comes from a very traditional background of labour intensive jobs... from teaching at the local university and from helping others in their business and personal motivations.
Only through his own experiences in pain, depression, spiritual confusion and mental illness did he come to the rapid discovery of real and practical tools to elevate him to a new level of personal fulfilment and success.
Anyone who has had the pleasure of working directly with Harrison in his Alignment Factor program or through his Masters Gathering series has seen incredible transformations in their life purpose, in their happiness, and in their ability to understand their mission in life.
The ability to understand yourself and the "I AM" principles that Harrison teaches gives you an insider's view into the rare gift that Harrison brings to the world.
Not only does Harrison have an innate way of 'seeing' the internal challenge causing the person pain, he has a very unusual knack for helping them through it to a new path of evolution in a very quick period of time.
Once Harrison's clients understand, internalize and incorporate his teachings into every nuance of their life... effortless abundance becomes the norm rather than the exception, and their ability to create goodness becomes supercharged unlike anything else they have ever tried before.
Noah St. John
Noah St. John is famous for inventing AFFORMATIONS® and and creating high-impact, customized strategies for fast-growing companies and leading organizations around the world. His sought-after advice is known as the “secret sauce” for creating superstar performance in high-growth businesses.
Noah’s engaging and down-to-earth speaking style always gets high marks from audiences. One of the world’s most sought-after experts on personal growth and professional development, Noah appears frequently in the news worldwide, including CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, NPR, PARADE, Woman’s Day, Los Angeles Business Journal, Huffington Post, Chicago Sun-Times, Forbes.com, Selling Power and The Washington Post.
Michelle Carter
Michelle Carter had experienced a lifetime of poor health that traditional doctors struggled to cure and sometimes even understand what was wrong. She suffered from chronic colds, tonsillitis, glandular fever, anaemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal fatigue and that's just what they were able to diagnose.
After a life of many jobs that she never really enjoyed and failing in relationships and marriage, she found herself as a single mother of 2 daughters, having a total physical break-down, and being too ill to work ... her life needed a big change!
Eventually she found energy healing and released everything energy related causing her illness, every situation that had made her unhappy, every person that she had a negative association with. She released heart barriers, cut ties to everyone and just released until she started to feel better.
After experiencing the amazing benefits of energy healing herself she began to share it with others who had the same impressive results. Michelle strongly believes that energy healing can heal anything when you dig into the hidden layers and find out what the true emotion or issue is.
Energy transmissions have transformed her life and made her a powerful healer in her own right. Now she shares her gift with the world so others can experience the amazing benefits of energy healing and live the life they've always wanted.
Mary Beth Vanderlinden
Mary Beth Vanderlinden is an Ordained Minister and internationally known as a powerful Intuitive Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Women's Retreat Facilitator and Intuitive Energy Artist/Teacher. She personally believes that all healing is a gift from God, and is available to each and every one of us. Mary Beth has been performing "the laying on of hands" for over 30 years.
Her studies, training and expertise include:
Lisa Jaya Waters
Lisa Jaya Waters brings to Self Synthesize! a 30 year spiritual journey seeking the source of infinite joy and bliss! She traversed many paths of wisdom such as a 30-year Iyengar yoga practice, a 20-year meditation practice, spiritual counseling, extensive shadow/subconscious work, neuroscience, a coaching background, formalized post graduate education to name but a few!
Anyone who interacts with Lisa experiences that joy emanating from her cells! She loves sharing the wisdom she has gathered and road tested to help you discover your own inner power, harmony and bliss!
Deeply immersed in her practice of Iyengar Yoga, with more than 20 years experience teaching yoga, she has conducted yoga workshops throughout the world. She recently won the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest continuous yoga attempt! Lisa plays with the interface between mind, body and spirit using, yoga, coaching, and Self Synthesize! Frequency facilitation; a truly delightful and life changing experience for anyone who has experienced her work!
Gabrielle Paoli
Gabrielle Paoli, NLP, Advanced CHt, MA Counseling Psychology, career coach, chakra expert, and energy healer has helped hundreds of clients like you move beyond your fears, old wounds, and career advancement challenges so that you can effortlessly experience the life you truly desire. Gabrielle has more than a decade in the fields of mind-programming, energy management, psychology, and ‘intuition’. She is known for her uncanny ability to integrate an abundance of powerful techniques, including hands-on healing, distance healing, and NLP to eliminate what’s holding you back.
Marilyn Alauria
Marilyn Alauria is an internationally known psychic medium, gifted teacher and spiritual healer. Her gifts were inherited from her grandmother and Aunt and she has been having psychic experiences since the age of five. She engages all her gifts (seeing, hearing, knowing and feeling) to give you messages from your Guides that are always with you and from your loved ones, who have crossed over. She engages her clients in a warm feeling as she guides them to anchor into their soul's purpose. She does more than just provide a connection to the afterlife - she gives her clients an action plan. Marilyn teaches people around the world how to develop their own gifts gaining access to the answers that sit in the seat of their soul. You can read more about Marilyn and watch her videos at marilynalauria.com.
Dawn Clark
Dawn Clark is an international best-selling author, strategic advisor, and creator of next-generation tools for accelerating individual, organizational, and global transformation. Standing at the nexus of science and spirituality, Dawn brings together cutting edge research from quantum physics, mathematics, biochemistry, and technology, along with her own unique insights, some of which have been informed by profound near-death experiences. Since childhood, Dawn has had the unusual ability to perceive energy fields - entangled fields of frequency that resonate from everything—and she has dedicated her life to helping people from all walks of life learn how to use this powerful information for healing, self realization, and social good.
Dawn’s client list includes Fortune 100 executives, scientists, artists, psychologists, clergy, teachers, and doctors—including Nobel Prize and Emmy-award winners among them. Defying classification, Dawn delivers her heart and mind-opening messages across multiple genres and platforms such as web-based courses, business consulting, shamanic journeying, and transformational entertainment. Her new novel, The Forbidden Text, is a transformational thriller that spans the world of espionage and the equally fascinating territory of Dawn’s own direct experiences in the subtle realms. The common thread across all of Dawn’s creative works and her consulting for business leaders is the “triple bottom line,” that is, helping people to experience life in a way that is ‘good for themselves, good for others, and good for the planet.’
Tellman Knudson
As founding partner of The New Hypnotists and Hypnosis.com and practicing hypnotherapist for over 13 years, the self made Millionaire (many times over) Tellman Knudson specializes in Prosperity & Wealth Building Hypnosis for clients.
In 2009 Tellman made his first attempt at running across America barefoot, completing 654 miles and raising over $300,000 for homeless youth in the United States.
A master of internet and email marketing since 2006, today Tellman uses his legendary marketing skills to help other hypnotists build their practices.
At last count Tellman has hypnotized over 100,000 people in 1-on-1, group and online sessions, and trained over 1 million entrepreneurs in his innovative internet and email marketing strategies.
Mina Firme
Mina is an energy healer and spiritual counselor who helps her clients achieve the life they deserve. She believes the key to transformation is self-love and that when you truly love yourself everything starts to fall in place.
She was born with the ability to see, know and feel things that others couldn’t. As a little girl she was very sensitive to the spiritual world and often woke in the middle of the night seeing colorful lights. She could also sense other’s energies and motives including the ability to sense the truth in people and danger in her surroundings.
She has helped hundreds of people from all walks of life and countries around the world.
By tuning in to their subconscious mind she can identify beliefs that are holding them back and allow them to fully love themselves again. Her vast experience also includes counseling, studying psychology and a number of personal development and spiritual courses including Kinesiology, NLP and EFT.
She also has the precious gift of seeing past-lives with amazing clarity. This allows her to do intuitive readings and tune in to past lives to heal pain that is often lying dormant under the surface but affecting people in a variety of ways.
She is passionate about sharing love and understanding and believes that with love and compassion anything can be healed.
Myrette El-Sokkari
Myrette El-Sokkari spent more than three decades as an economist and financial expert before discovering the abundance-magnetizing and trauma- relieving power of holistic medicine, and sharing it with tens of thousands of people around the world through television, radio, and coaching.
Now she’s a Level III EFT practitioner and Matrix Reimprinting Expert who loves infusing what she’s learned from the financial realm, and her studies in Reiki, Quantum Touch, and the Art of Living (I & II) into her Quantum Wealth Matrix sessions. Myrette is also a member of the prestigious AAMET, member at the Experts Industry Association, and Founder of Taller Than a Palm Tree.
Anah Maa
Since 1999, Anah Maa has been helping souls world-wide to realize their greatest potential. As a Sound Activator, Mentor and Spiritual Advisor, Anah accelerates your spiritual awakening while preparing you vibrationally to become Self Realized.
Through one-on-one sessions of love, sound and light, Anah's vibrations break you free from the bondage of illusion, pain and suffering; clears karma/karmic patterning; and empowers you to realize and actualize your core self, which is the Christed Self.
Bob Bell
Bob Bell is known as “The Kissing Saint.” He is a natural born healer. When Bob was a baby in diapers, Bob kissed his brother who was ill with the flu and instantly his high fever and other symptoms disappeared. He got up and he ran out to play completely recovered. Bob also helped elderly neighbors to get out of wheelchairs and be completely healed. Bob also cured both his mother and father from life threatening aliments. Bob himself, has had 2 near death experiences, when he was an adolescent and another time when he was in his 40's.
Like many children with this and other great gifts, Bob did not share his abilities for decades and chose a different career path as a very successful investment banker, until now. Bob has been guided to return to his miraculous gift of healing, helping humanity and animals with astounding results. From Alzheimer’s to depression, M.S. and cancer, blood disease and more, people from around the world are reporting improved health and diseases simply gone. Working with terminally sick people, as well as animals, the results are astonishing!