Congratulations! You’ve just made a giant step towards living a life of joy, peace, abundance, and love. Check your email to collect your bonuses! The From Heartache To Joy Global Summit works like this...

The series began on April 30th, 2013 and will run non-stop till September 30th. You’ll receive email notifications about who is speaking when and the call details. You can call in via phone, Skype or webcast in your internet browser.

Most healers will conduct live clearings and healings on the call. When possible they will also take live caller questions so it’s best if you can be on the live call. If you can’t be on the live call we provide access to the replay for 48 hours.

We have gathered some of the top speakers, healers, teachers and thought leaders of our time to ensure this is a very exciting series. Our aim is to provide you with the tools you need to create extreme transformation in your life.

We also realize that tuning in for every single call might be difficult for some of you. However the call you miss might be the one that contains the exact healing, the revealing lesson or the mindset shift you needed to unlock abundance in your life once and for all.

You might also want to listen to calls multiple times to get the most benefit. The Law of Immersion isn’t about doing things once and waving a magic wand. It’s about immersing yourself in the process until you remove all the blocks holding you back from your ideal life.

We obviously invest a lot of time, effort and money to bring you these calls and we love being able to make them available completely free to people in need. Our mission is to help as many people as possible awaken their lives to joy, peace, abundance and love.

We fund our efforts (plus our Journey of Joy Foundation) from the generosity of people like you who invest in the recorded calls and transcripts. Imagine if we had to charge everybody who attended each call just $10 to cover our costs. With 50 speakers you’d be paying $500 to get access to this life changing experience (and it’d still be well worth it).

However as a special offer to new registrations we make all 50+ calls available plus bonus Q&A sessions for just $57. That’s almost $1 per call.

But please note that this offer will vanish when you leave this page and the calls will only be available at their regular price of $197. And yes people will happily pay that price for the value and life changing experience these calls provide.

You Receive Everything Listed Below For Just $57 If You Order Today…

 The complete recordings of 50+ Calls including all Bonus Q&A Calls for your own personal collection

 Access to all the live healings and activations so you can listen to them whenever you need or desire

 Bonus Gifts from our speakers (Priceless!) 

Plus you support…

 Our mission to bring more calls from top healers, teachers and thought leaders that will open your mind and soul to a world of possibility… both for yourself and for those that come behind you

 The Journey of Joy Foundation

The Journey of Joy Foundation is a global initiative launched to eradicate crimes against women such as honor killings and child marriages. Its goal is to educate 100,000 women in the Eastern countries over the next 5 years.

In the United States and other western countries we take our freedom largely for granted. Unfortunately that is not the case for many people around the world… especially women.

5,000 - 20,000 Women Die From Honor Killings Each Year

“An honor killing is the homicide of a member of a family or social group by other members, due to the belief of the perpetrators that the victim has brought dishonor upon the family or community.

The perceived dishonor is normally the result of one of the following behaviors, or the suspicion of such behaviors: dressing in a manner unacceptable to the family or community, wanting to terminate or prevent an arranged marriage or desiring to marry by own choice, especially if to a member of a social group deemed inappropriate, engaging in heterosexual acts outside marriage and engaging in homosexual acts.” – Wikipedia

The Journey of Joy Foundation pledges funds and other resources to eradicate these types of crimes against women throughout the world. Your investment in your own life of abundance today can help other women in need to experience a freedom they’ve never had before.

Remember This Special Offer Disappears When You Leave This Page…

  The Complete Set Of 50+ Calls
  All Bonus Q&A Calls
  Bonus Gifts From Our Speakers (Priceless!)
  Support Journey of Joy Foundation
Package Easily Valued At $497
Regular Price $197
Exclusive Offer $57
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied, you may return it and Receive a full refund. No question asked.
Law of Emergence Course
Derek Rydall is the world's leading expert on the Law Of Emergence. He has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies, coached writers, artists, and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners), and taught tens of thousands of people around the world how to tap into their highest purpose, unlock their hidden potential, and live their true destiny - all with a deeper connection to their spirit.

It's time to activate the Law of Emergence in your life right now.
The Illusion of Limitation: The Liberation of Self
Guy Finley is the best-selling author of more than 40 books and audio albums on self-realization and The Illusion of Limitation is his life-changing 6-hour MP3 audio program.

You'll discover powerful and practical secrets for awakening and realizing your ultimate potential as a human being. Learn to act boldly and decisively, be more productive, shed negative thoughts and feelings, and live in the deep abiding peace of a quiet mind.
The Manifesting Magnet Training Program
Jafree Ozwald has had many psychic and manifesting experiences since the age of 16 and has learned how to tap into human beings "super-natural" manifesting abilities.

With this information packed training course you'll instantly empower, inspire and enlighten your life by knowing how to effortlessly attract anything your heart desires.
Chakra Healing Mastery
Energy Healing Mastery is a powerful technique which holds keys to your mental, physical and spiritual health.

Master Healer Melinda Lee has completed over 30,000 healings in 40 countries and shares her valuable life experiences that brought her to this profound technique. This astounding 50 minute audio presentation will expand your previous perceptions of energy healing. Get ready to witness miracles!
Divine Feminine Awakening and Quantum Creation
Rise up Divine Feminine (in women and men). Stand up in your fullness. You are infinitely powerful. You are the light of the world. The light of the planet. There is no other light. Drop the fear, the oppression and shame. Stop creating this. You are infinitely powerful and infinitely Divine. The time is NOW to awaken to the limitless conscious creator that you are. Remember that you have limitless creative choice - will you Rise Up? Will you awaken your Sacred Divine Feminine Blue-Print?

Remember This Special Offer Disappears When You Leave This Page…

  The Complete Set Of 50+ Calls
  All Bonus Q&A Calls
  Bonus Gifts From Our Speakers (Priceless!)
  Support Journey of Joy Foundation
Package Easily Valued At $497
Regular Price $197
Exclusive Offer $57
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied, you may return it and Receive a full refund. No question asked.

"Interviews like this have made such a difference in my life"

"You and your series has truly touched my heart. I live in an isolated location, and interviews like this have made such a difference in my life. I know exactly what you mean about how listening to them raised your vibration. Listening to them gives me strength and inspiration, plus the knowing that I am far from alone. I feel like you and all the other hosts and speakers are all here with me on this incredible journey. I think that my biggest revelations over this past year were about self-love and boundaries - concepts I had barely heard of before. I am now looking forward to 2013 and the new wondrous possibilities that life holds." - Lee Ann

"I felt a connection with you on the very first call"

"Just a quick note to express my gratitude to you for all that you are doing with your Series! I can honestly say that I felt a connection with you on the very first call - it's as if you are emitting energy of genuine caring and kindness to everyone in your Field. I especially appreciate the times when you have shared your own personal story without any remorse/shame/guilt/victim mentality. All this to say, Eram, Thank you for being the Gift that you are to Humanity! I truly feel we are connected on a soul Level!" - Wilma

"My frequencies have been upgraded a few notches!"

"Thank you so much for putting such an amazing group of people together in this high energy week, it has really been a powerful - I definitely feel as if my frequencies have been upgraded a few notches! It was as if each person added a new piece to my puzzle and helped me see thing from a different perspective. I really wanted to prepare myself as well as I possibly could for this time, and your calls were a gift to me for that, thank you." - Jane

"Well worth the investment!!!"

"I was forwarding your info to one of my client's because I thought she would enjoy you and your energy and your speakers! I know I am! I have purchased several of the programs! Well worth the investment!!! Thank you for your amazingness and you being an example of what's possible!!!" - Kristina

Remember This Special Offer Disappears When You Leave This Page…

  The Complete Set Of 50+ Calls
  All Bonus Q&A Calls
  Bonus Gifts From Our Speakers (Priceless!)
  Support Journey of Joy Foundation
Package Easily Valued At $497
Regular Price $197
Exclusive Offer $57
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied, you may return it and Receive a full refund. No question asked.
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Arielle Ford has spent the past 25 years living and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is one of the founding partners of the Spiritual Cinema Circle, a DVD club dedicated to providing movies about love and compassion.
She is the author of seven books, including the Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul series and her newest book, The Soulmate Secret: Manifest The Love of Your Life with The Law of Attraction. Ford lives in La Jolla, California, with her husband/soulmate, Brian Hilliard, and their feline friends.

Dr. Kimberly has practiced naturopathic medicine for over 20 years and worked as an intuitive life coach and energy healer for the last 10 years. Dr. Kimberly, a high level healer is currently taking limited, private clients and is teaching classes across the country. She now exclusively practices energy medicine, is a vibrational catalyst and sought after speaker. She is committed to facilitating consciousness and raising vibration around the globe. Trained in many different modalities and in the shortest amount of time, she remains committed to facilitating the greatest amount of transformation in her clients.

After a life-changing ‘brush with death’ while making a movie, Derek Rydall considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years — emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist, best-selling author, and adopt a monk (that’s another story). The world’s leading expert on THE LAW OF EMERGENCE, he has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies in relationship and communication skills, coached writers, artists, and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners) on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and taught tens of thousands of people around the planet how to tap into their highest purpose, unlock their hidden potential, and live their true destiny – all with a deeper connection to their spirit.

Wendy Joy Hart is an International Speaker and Coach and the creator of "The Procrastination Cure System: 7 Simple Steps that Compel You to Follow Through (and Make More Money!)"

Wendy's promise is to "increase your follow-through by 3 times or more, in 3 months or less, using 1/3 or less of the effort you were using before." She has over 20 years of experience in human behavior, sales and psychology. Using little-known tools and cutting-edge brain science, she has developed this unique system that has people end procrastination fast, and for good.

Wendy has coached over 2500 clients (mostly Mom's with home-based based businesses) to reduce overwhelm, increase their sales, and get past whatever barriers were causing them to be drained or stuck.

When they learn how to follow through without effort or will power, success becomes easy. In addition, the tools that the Parents learn get copied by their children: Kids follow through with their homework and chores more often with less prodding, grades go up, fighting with their siblings goes down, and even potty training is easier! Moms report that the mood in the family generally gets less chaotic and more calm, and everybody becomes happier and less stressed.

Larry Crane is a best-selling author, a self-made millionaire, and the founder of the world-renowned Release Technique. The effectiveness of his method has been verified by researchers of Harvard, Columbia and UCLA Universities. The Release Technique is not a system of positive thinking or inspiration. Amazingly simple and astonishingly profound, it is an actual, experiential technique designed to eliminate hidden, subconscious blocks and negativity, and literally rewire the conscious and unconscious wiring that is standing in the way of your optimal health, happiness, abundance and success in all areas of life.

Larry has taught the Release Technique to over 100,000 graduates worldwide, including Fortune 500 executives, athletes, CEOs, authors, thought-leaders, celebrities, healers and people from every walk of life, so that they could begin to let go of the emotions, stress and energetic subconscious blocks that are holding all of us back from the abundance and joy that is our birthright.

In Larry's words - Everyone is looking for happiness and peace of mind, but most people are looking for these things outside of themselves, in relationships, possessions, money, or "success". Unfortunately, it is impossible to find peace of mind that way. To find peace of mind and happiness, you must go inside yourself, identifying and releasing the subconscious negativity and limiting beliefs that are covering up your natural potential. Once you do this, you will discover that you already have everything it takes to do, achieve and experience the life that you truly desire.

Robert Pease is an intuitive doctor of metaphysical science and a transpersonal counselor who works with the fullest potential within everyone in his readings, counseling, writings and workshops. Robert is the author of books, audio cds, e-books, including his new book Spiritual Bootcamp: This Is Your Wake Up Calland the soon to be released Reiki Vibes: Unveiled andImagined Self vol. 1.

Robert, who holds a Ph.D. degree in transpersonal counseling and mystical science, is the creator of the Imagine Workshop and the Imagine Facilitator Experience and founder of Robert Pease International, The Peace Network, and host on Co-Creator Network’s radioshows Create Your Life By Design, The Reading Room and The Dr Robert Show.

Robert hasamassed several credentials and huge amounts of knowledge on his journey. He has experienced millionaire status to homelessness, sexual abuse, a catastrophic automobile accident, 9/11, PTSD as well asa near death experience. He became more conscious there was a greater calling. Robert says for those who are living in this reality of suffering and adversity, you WILL get to the other side.It became evident that his journey was to discover deeper levels of awareness; Opening up to Grace, "it is all about LOVE," Dr. Robert says.

Robert’s fascination with numbers as intuitive vibrations led him to numerology. He uses numbers in his "spiritual toolbox" to live a conscious and positive affirmed life. Numbers can help us understand our life purpose and what we attract (magnetize ) into our lives. His practice of Intuitive Numerology can help us better know our Self and to know and understand the people around us in our life. With the numbers in our birth chart we can begin to understand what tools we already are expressing in our life.

Let the "The Numbers Doctor" help guide you to a life of manifestation, knowledge and purpose!

Kaitlyn Keyt is the founder of VibesUp and is three-time Visionary Awarded for her creations of unique healing tools. Kaitlyn has been speaking internationally for more than 25 years helping people realize their full potential. She is a popular guest on Television, Radio, at Expos and on 2012 Panels. Her specialty is Vibrational Energy, the intelligence in nature and how to raise our vibrations to activate our inner brilliance and abilities. She brings light hearted, simple understanding to complicated life questions.

Kaitlyn believes everything moves faster at a Higher Vibration including our healing and self-realization. Increasing our vibration increases our awareness, our connection to our higher self, and makes releasing limiting programming and beliefs easy. Kaitlyn believes nature is excitedly stepping forward to bring us great wisdom at a time when we are quickly finding our way back to our true authentic and amazing selves. We really do have the answers within and Kaitlyn teaches us how to access our inner brilliance and let our light shine. Watch for her new book on Vibrations, where she will reveal new twists and how we can THRIVE through what lays ahead.

Brad Yates is known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). He is the author of the best-selling children's book "The Wizard's Wish," the co-author of the best-seller "Freedom at Your Fingertips," and a featured expert in the film "The Tapping Solution," He has also been a presenter at a number of events, including Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success, and has done teleseminars with "The Secret" stars Bob Doyle and Dr. Joe Vitale. Brad has over 300 YouTube videos (with nearly 5M hits), he’s been a guest on a number of talk shows, and is a contributing expert on the Huffington Post.

Marilyn Alauria is an internationally known psychic medium, gifted teacher and spiritual healer. Her gifts were inherited from her grandmother and Aunt and she has been having psychic experiences since the age of five. She engages all her gifts (seeing, hearing, knowing and feeling) to give you messages from your Guides that are always with you and from your loved ones, who have crossed over. She engages her clients in a warm feeling as she guides them to anchor into their soul's purpose. She does more than just provide a connection to the afterlife - she gives her clients an action plan. Marilyn teaches people around the world how to develop their own gifts gaining access to the answers that sit in the seat of their soul. You can read more about Marilyn and watch her videos at

Victor Da Ponte Victor Da Ponte is a visionary whose soul purpose is to help humanity realize its vibrational connection with the ultimate reality. With over 20 years of spiritual practice and healing service, he is known internationally for his profound healing gift to remotely shift people out of their limitations – even while they sleep – Victor’s exceptional skills have earned him the honor of working with some of today’s top leaders, coaches, and healers in the consciousness movement.

Victor’s healing gifts were awakened after several profound life experiences and they continue to expand daily. In 2011, a powerful inner voice transmitted a mind-shattering realization, which essentially said: “Stop creating your limitations, they don’t exist! Wake up! You are beyond all thoughts, beyond all concept and beyond all understanding – stop believing anything less than this.” The inner voice identified itself as “We” and then further revealed itself as that which is untouchable and unknowable: the “I AM That I AM.” It was the source of our very existence and the only thing that is true and absolute.

By receiving this transmission of universal truths, Victor was gifted with the Voice and Command of the “I AM,” thereby enabling him to serve the world and help awaken humanity’s infinite conscious creative potential.

This awakened consciousness of the power of the I AM awareness gave birth to Quantum Reprogramming, a revolutionary healing method that miraculously shatters self-imposed limitations amazingly quick. This method works by voicing the ultimate truth in a co-creative session with the client or audience. These sessions not only heal and transform almost instantly but awaken the conscious creator within.

Shelly Lefkoe is co-founder and Vice President of the Lefkoe Institute, and the founder and President of the Possibilities of Parenting Center (POPC), a division of the Lefkoe Institute.

She offers private in-person and telephone sessions for people throughout the world using The Lefkoe Method (TLM). This revolutionary approach has enabled over 12,000 people to stop a wide variety of undesirable emotional and behavioral patterns.

She has personally worked with over 1,000 individuals from around the world. Using TLM she has helped these people handle issues as serious as eating disorders, phobias and depression as well as everyday problems like procrastination, shyness, fear of public speaking and the inability to form healthy relationships.

Shelly has also helped numerous businesspeople increase their personal productivity while reducing stress, improve their relationships with colleagues, and transform their family lives with The Lefkoe Method.

Shelly has been a keynote speaker and leads workshops that train people to use The Lefkoe Method.

Amethyst Wyldfyre The Speakers Shaman & Divine Destiny Mastery Mentor – is an EMPOWERED Messenger! A Multidimensional Visionary Healer, Speaker, Performer, Author, Teacher and Artist, she is passionate about serving visionary leaders and conscious entrepreneurs who want to LEAP fearlessly into their highest level of service to the planet and who want to profit handsomely from following their Spiritual path.

Her transformational programs, products and services are designed to serve the empowerment of global messengers of change and enlightenment. Clients across the board report that they achieve crystal clarity in envisioning their big picture and a greater openness to Source allowing them to reveal hidden gifts and talents, and energize to implement their own mission and purpose in the world.

Ms. Wyldfyre is an Initiated Shamaness in the Inka Tradition, a Crystalline Ascension Crystal Healer, a naturally ordained Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Therapist, and a published author of several books. In 2008 Ms. Wyldfyre was selected by NH Magazine as a Renaissance Woman and in 2009 her CD - Divine Union - A Crystal Singing Bowl Healing Journey was a COVR AWARD Winning Finalist in the Inner Space/Meditational/Healing Category at the International New Age Trade Show in Denver.

A successful and award winning entrepreneur since her mid-20's, prior to her journey into the realm of energy and metaphysics Ms. Wyldfyre was active in Real Estate Development and Community Management Consulting and worked as a consultant with the US Agency for International Development, the World Bank, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and several Fortune 500 builder/developers. Active in her community – Ms. Wyldfyre has served in many volunteer leadership positions and been a supporter of the arts for many years. She presently serves as the Treasurer for the L'il Iguana Children's Safety Foundation.

Nadia Tumas is an internationally known, Award Winning - Leading Expert on Women Entrepreneurs and Purpose. She is a Speaker, Master Life and Business Coach with a thriving private practice. Nadia is the author of the upcoming book "How To Break Through Without Breaking Down".

As an Advanced Certified Hand Analyst, Nadia is a member of the faculty and a teacher at The International Institute Of Hand Analysis.

Combining her 30 plus years of intuitive Hand Analysis with the unique system of Life Purpose Decoding and her extensive business background, Nadia undoubtedly creates amazing results.

Client's lives and businesses are changed faster by using this system than any other spiritual, psychological or metaphysical method of transformation available.

Nadia is a Licensed Practical Nurse with extensive clinical experience and also a Certified Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master. She has spent years studying and practicing metaphysical healing as a Reiki practitioner and Energy healer. She has a unique blend of very high sense of perception combined with clairvoyant ability, intuition and understanding of human psychology and physiology.

People are sometimes surprised to learn that Nadia was a Chief Chemical Engineer following her graduation from university and before Nadia began formally practicing Hand Analysis she worked as a fully licensed Branch Office Manager in Financial Services. This dichotomy of experiences makes perfect sense to Nadia: "I am, at my core, a scientist who searches for the fundamental truth in whatever I do. I approach the unique system of Hand Analysis from a practical scientific point of view as well as an intuitive one."

"When miracles seem impossible, I help people transform themselves instantly, through the science of energy." -- Joshua Bloom.

Internationally Acclaimed Trusted Authority on Quantum Healing, and the Executive Producer of the film, "The Ultimate Answer is inside?," Joshua Bloom, has been featured on the front page of The Washington Post as one of the first success coaches ever to be featured in the mainstream media.

Joshua has appeared on radio and TeleSeminars internationally, and will soon debut on internet Television with his own network devoted to Quantum Healing and Self-Evolution. "Beyond The Ultimate Answer," and "The Quantum Shift," are to become his first two television Shows on the QHCN network.

For the past twelve years, as owner of the Quantum Healing Center in both Virginia and New York City, he has developed and produced his own Quantum Healing certification training program called Come to the Edge! Now, Joshua teaches this program internationally through the power of the internet.

Author of How to Heal Yourself Instantly, The 100% Attraction Formula, and Beyond The Ultimate Answer audio programs, Joshua is doing what most people would consider to be impossible. He assists clients in completely releasing ailments such as fibromyalgia, pain, anxiety, depression, allergies, eczema, and rosacea, through his instant healing modality, "Quantum Energy Transformation?, where anything becomes possible."

Joshua has also created a new evolutionary way of living, called Being Quantum?, a cellular healing process called Age Clearing?, a Quantum Reiki, hands on and distance healing modality called Being Reiki?, and an allergy elimination process called Quantum Allergy Release?.

A Master in many arenas, Joshua has the experience and passion to help people create any possibility. With the background of over twenty healing modalities, Joshua is a master success Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, certified practitioner of the Emotional Freedom Techniques, and Master Teacher in many reiki traditions including his own Being Reiki?. Joshua ponders and consistently asks, "What else is possible?"

Master Healer Danadoost has been refining the art, education and practice of Shafaw Healing for the past 21 years. Master Healer Danadoost began his healing career after meeting his mentor, Master Healer Ostad Parvarandeh of Iran in 1992. Master Parvarandeh set him free from Leukemia and a host of other diseases like hepatitis.

After receiving healing and returning home, Master Danadoost returned to Iran to be and to study with Master Parvarandeh for 40 days. Upon his return to the US, Master Danadoost began hisart,education and practice of 'Sacred Healing'.

'Shafaw' is a word in Farsi that denotes the element of the 'Sacred/miraculous' present in all Master Danadoost's Healings.

Master Healer Danadoost is the founderof 'Shafaw Healing' modality and Shafaw Sanctuary of Healing Lights, a non-profit organization providing healing to those in need.

At Shafaw Sanctuary, Master Healer Danadoost heals people of all faiths, traditions, creed, nationality, race and orientation. He works on individuals and groups locally and around the globe healing all conditions, settings and circumstances even bringing people out of coma in different continents successfully each and every time. He truly is the Rumi of Healing Arts.

He has also founded the teaching branch of Shafaw, The Healing Renaissance Clinic under the auspices of Shafaw Sanctuary of Healing Lights. Therein Master Danadoost is also engaged in the process of teaching & training the Art of Shafaw to Shafaw Student Healers.

To Master Healer Danadoost, and Shafaw Healers, Shafaw is a joyful way of life. Master Danadoost and the Shafaw Healers live work and behave Shafaw by giving love to human kind 24/7, disseminating Shafaw Healing & Teaching internationally from Novato, CA.

Please call, write, visit, contact, or healing, and connect with the Shafaw Sanctuary of Healing Lightsat:415 892 1479. We look forward to meeting, connecting with and healing you!

Countless Blessings,

Shafaw Sanctuary of Healing Lights.

Cheri' has helped hundreds of people from all walks of life discover their own source of love, spirit, and strength. Her compassion combined with a strong, supportive nature helps women to connect to their divine self and learn to trust their own inner wisdom and guidance. Cheri mentors strong women to learn the art of receiving, while freeing their feminine energy. Cheri’s mission is to help you see how magnificent you are, empower you to create a life where you are showing up authentically and receiving all the beautiful benefits of owning your personal power while enjoying love and success in all areas of your life.

Cheri has struggled with devastating chronic Lyme disease, divorce, empty nest, and loneliness. Yet, her choice to see these experience as gifts and use them for her own personal and spiritual growth has paved the way for Cheri to help many others find their power and strength in adversity. She has helped women discover their own source of love, spirit and strength. Her compassion combined with a strong, supportive nature helps women to connect to their divine self, learn to trust their inner wisdom, create lives where they authentically express their truth, while enjoying love and success in all areas of life.

In addition to the various coaching, energy, and healing programs Cheri has completed, she also holds a BS in education, has worked in the school systems, held various professional positions in the corporate world, spoken on several stages, and is a radio show host of, “Planting Seeds of Love”. She has created the following programs, 90 Days 2 Love™, Secrets to Passionate Partnership™, Tappy Hour™, Spirit Surge™ and Body Speak™, Breaking the Bonds of Emotional Wounds, Unlocking the Seven Layers of Your Inner Wisdom and is the author of several e-books.

Dawn Clark An international best-selling author, Dawn Clark has spent her life creating works that empower others to reshape not only their future,but also the future of the planet. Standing at the nexus of science and spirituality, she delivers a new vocabulary,insights and tools that help people repair core fractures, cleartoxic emotions, and repattern themselves for longevity and success.Dawn has counseled and advised people from all walks of life,including Nobel Prize and Emmy award winners, Fortune 100 executives, psychologists, entertainers, teachers, parents and teens.We live in a world of entangled fields.

Certain fields hold the raw potential to unlock our fortunes; others drag us down and predispose usto repeat the unwanted patterns of our pasts. Dawn delivers a new vocabulary; mental framework and tools to navigate this hidden landscapeand free us from negative entanglements, ultimately empowering us to reshapeour future.Her knowledge was deepened by a profound near-death experience,and her work incorporates the research of such notable physicists as William Tiller,Russell Targ, and Brian Greene; and biochemist Rupert Sheldrake.Leaders and achievers,already at the pinnacle of success in their respective fields, call on Dawn to be their strategic advisor when they face critical decisions requiring creative options and a systematic evaluation of probabilities and consequences. Dawn delivers her message across multiple media platforms and genres. A best-selling author, she also creates and produces interactive, immersive online experiences that provide tools and information to unlock people's potential. Known for her authentically dynamic speaking style, remarkable insights and inspirational topics, Dawn shares her real-life experiences and addresses the underlying frameworks for wealth building; entrepreneurial growth; longevity; creative innovation; meaningful relationships; health, and finding your passion in life

Before she was a teenager Dawn had two near-death experiences that gave her direct insight into the underlying language of frequency and its power to shape matter and thought.Later, as a young woman, Dawn helped her father, an elite U.S. counter-intelligence agent, write books chronicling his adventures, and became his secret keeper for the stories he dared not transcribe. All of which she has drawn on in her latest novel, The Forbidden Text. Dawn’s path has led her to be an International best-selling author, entrepreneur, innovator, and the mother of three children, now grown and discovering their own passions in life.

Michelle Manning-Kogler is Spiritual Soul Healer, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Life Coach, and Co-Host of The Quantum Magic Hour on Awakened Radio. She is the best-selling author of, Quantum Soul Clearing - Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul, and Founder of the Quantum Soul Clearing Process. She is a contributing author of Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live Your Best Life Now, with Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, Chris and Janet Atwood and other international thought leaders. She is also a featured contributor in her third book, Ready, Aim, Captivate, with Deepak Chopra, Jim Stovall, Ran Zilca, Suzi Pomerantz, Dan Janal and other international thought leaders.

Michelle is also the force behind the Universal Explosion of Joy and Transformation Movement. Her audacious vision is to positively impact and change the lives of a billion people. Michelle has been in the energy medicine and alternative healing field for over 25 years. Her approach to healing is multi-faceted and "wholistic," integrating mind, body and spirit for optimal wellness.

Michelle's wellness practice, Infinite Potentials Health and Wellness, serves people throughout the world. Her innate, unique intuitive and psychic abilities, in combination with her education and training, allow her to deeply explore and understand her clients' individual challenges. She facilitates her clients as they focus on strengthening the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects of their life in order to create and maintain radiant, vibrant, health and vitality.

Through two near death experiences Mas Sajady has been gifted with astonishing healing abilities. Akin to famous healers throughout history very few have achieved these miraculous levels. Thousands have benefitted from this natural phenomenon, in their health, relationships, financial and spiritual arenas of life. Mas will instill within you a method that really works. The Mas Method goes far beyond the latest craze in self help and spiritually to get tangible, rapid results for you. Get instilled with the Pure and awaken your internal “GPS” to automatically and effortlessly be guided towards a fulfilling life that you truly enjoy.

Word of caution:For some the paradigm shift maybe too great.Do not take part if you are not serious about transforming your life.

Jafree has had many psychic and manifesting experiences since the age of 16, and has learned how to tap into human beings "super-natural" manifesting abilities. On his return trip from India in 1996, Jafree discovered what people have been searching for their entire lives, the enlightenment experience. Jafree is an inspiring and heart driven teacher who is prepared to meet any challenge to open the minds so that people may believe that anything is possible. Jafree speaks from a spiritual and metaphysical perspective to people who are ready to empower their lives. His purpose is to open the minds and hearts of others to their infinite potential. He awakens others on some level from their traditional box of ordinary everyday thinking. Jafree, who has a B.A. in psychology, is a certified hypnotherapist and professional psychic. He is the facilitator of the Enlightened Manifestor Playshop that teaches you how to tap in and access the true manifesting power of your mind through the simple connection with your divine presence. He is also a meditation teacher, and is an avid practitioner in the power of positive thinking. He is offering you and your group, his time, knowledge and experiences to help people awaken to their infinite selves. Jafree's success comes from the freedom he receives from assisting other people in finding the deepest meaning in their lives.

Suzanna is the author of Sacred Union: Pathway to Paradise. Residing on the Garden Isle of Kauai in Hawaii, Suzanna reaches global audiences through teleseminars, personal appearances and her virtual, consciousness upgrade programs. She is the host of Reality Crafting with Suzanna on the One World Puja Network.

After experiencing a quantum consciousness awakening that allowed her to tap into the Universal Science of Consciousness and Creation, Suzanna left a successful 18-year career as a corporate training consultant to found Reality Crafting Institute.

Since 1999, Institute graduates have accelerated their conscious evolution by using a unique 2-step process guided by Suzanna.

Step 1: The Emotional-Mental Detox™ program, which literally detoxifies you of the Emotional and Mental energies that are not yours.
Step 2: Divine Human Upgrades™ -- embody your human divinity.
Suzanna’s clients find freedom from past limitations and experience expanded levels of consciousness, peace harmony, abundance and creativity in their daily lives.

Moira Shepard, NLP, CHt, has spent nearly two decades on the leading edge of the motivational and inspirational fields. She has written hundreds of articles about easy, effective ways to create Abundance in relationships, career, finances and well-being. She has produced and hosted hundreds of memorable radio shows interviewing top authors and private individuals who have overcome major life challenges. A passionate and skilled teacher, Moira has created more than a dozen unique courses on such topics as Abundance, heart-centered marketing, and development of intuitive faculties. As a private practitioner, she specializes in guiding people to feel emotionally safe as she helps them let go of the fear, doubt and disappointment that have kept them from creating the richly fulfilling life they desire and deserve. Moira is committed to providing people worldwide with the inspiration, information and motivation they need to shine their Light fully, freely and joyfully.

Jon Griffin is a Music Producer, Composer and audio Engineer who is dedicated to vibrational healing of sound and music. He ahs traveled the world studying music and cultures, environmental soundscapes and vibrational energy.

Jon has composed and produced music for film, television and radio. Jon believs in creating “a safe, creative environment” for his clients to channel their own internal melody, and that philosophy extends into the music he creates.

Cari Murphy is a Soul Success Coach, the award winning author of five books, including the bestselling book Create Change Now: Personal Reflections for Personal Transformation, the Host the of the Internationally syndicated “THE CARI MURPHY SHOW: STRAIGHT TALK FOR THE SOUL” with 500,000+ listeners, the President and CEO of Empowerment Coaching Solutions, and a celebrated dynamic, motivational speaker and interviewer. Following a transformational near death experience in 1997, Cari’s life purpose became crystal clear. Her intention is to reach, empower and inspire millions globally and she is passionately devoted to increasing the consciousness of the planet and creating positive global change.

Cari has coached and mentored tens of thousands of people around the globe through her transformational books, coaching programs, telesummits, interviews, workshops, audio programs, home study courses, videos and more. She is devoted to expanding the field of Spiritual, Lifestyle and Transformational Media Hosting and Programming and thrives on inspiring her audiences, clients, readers and listeners to become the soul-driven conscious creators, spiritual leaders and celebrated business professionals they are meant to be. If you are ready to shine…perhaps even in front of millions… and live a lifestyle deserving of your soul’s brilliance, Cari will help you step onto that grand stage and co-create your destiny in a way that is perfectly aligned with your soul.

Christel Hughes, C.Ht is a Leading pioneer in Emotional Management and Relationship Strategies. As a Holistic Life Coach and highly sought after Multi- Sensory Intuitive she has inspired thousands of people around the world through her breakthrough methods for living free from Fear & Emotional Sabotage. Christel is the Author of 5 books including Taking Back Your Power, Be Love to Find Love, The Quantum Quickies Series & 10 Laws of Love.

Known as the "Spiritual Trainer to the Stars" due to her work supporting Celebrities in opening up to their gifts, setting healthy boundaries while going public and claiming their unique Power in their field, while not losing themselves in relationship to others. Christel’s formal training and certifications include Clinical Hypnotherapy, Guided Imagery, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Timeline Therapy which began at the Behavioral Science Center, the only nationally accredited Hypnotherapy College. Christel is the CEO of Academy For the Soul, President of Empowering Journeys, Inc. and Creator of the Integrative Soul Technology Process. The IST process is a cutting edge technology of transformation that she has actively used in her decade long practice supporting Sport’s professionals, Practitioners, Psychotherapists, High Profile celebrities and Emmy Award winners.As an International leader, she is interviewed and speaks on Emotional & Energetic Management, Human Consciousness, Health & Healing, and Relationship Strategies.

Guy Finley is the best-selling author of more than 40 books and audio albums on self-realization. He is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for self-study located in southern Oregon where he gives talks four times each week. Guy is a faculty member at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York and is a regular expert contributor to Beliefnet and the Huffington Post. For more information visit, and sign up to receive a free helpful newsletter emailed to your desktop once each week.

Mark Romero's successful nineteen-year career as an executive manager and CEO took a dramatic turn the day a former NASA consultant discovered that his music contained frequencies that cancelled negative energy. Though initially skeptical, but willing to learn more, Mark accepted the invite to see the science behind the claim. That day he received, what he affectionately refers to today as, a crash course in Energy 101.

Like the wind, whose effects can be seen but not the wind itself, Mark soon learned his music held comparable power. Parents of children with autism and ADHD, Alzheimer's patients, and stressed corporate executives, all began passionately communicating to Mark the positive improvements his music had on their daily functioning and compelled him to dedicate his life to improving the welfare of others.

Today, as Founder and CEO of, Mark educates people worldwide on the science of energy as relates to human functioning and empowers them with music. His music CDs and speaking performances have placed him on the stage with internationally respected leaders like Mark Victor Hansen, Harv Eker, and Dr. Bruce Lipton, and is recognized as a leader in the field of personal energy.

Mark offers a wide range of services including his critically acclaimed music CDs, transformational CD series, music and speaking performances, as well as successfully hosting his own teleconference series with participants from around the world.

Morty Lefkoe is president and founder of The Lefkoe Institute. He is the creator of a series of psychological processes (The Lefkoe Method) that result in profound personal and organizational change, quickly and permanently.

He has written a book about the Lefkoe Belief Process (LBP), Re-create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and Your World (Andrews McMeel, 1997; trade paper version, DMI Publishing, 2003). The book explains how the LBP works, how it is significantly different from most forms of psychotherapy, its spiritual implications, and how its principles can be applied to parenting, health, business, and social change. It also includes several case histories involving clients who have successfully dealt with dysfunctional patterns. Morty has also written an essay that details research on the mind-body connection in sports and his work with athletes.

Morty has written over 100 articles and columns for many publications, including the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. He has appeared on over 100 radio and TV shows, including Today, Leeza, ABC World News Today, and Fox Cable News. His work has been written about extensively in the New York Times and a number of other publications.

A member of the American Counseling Association, Morty has written articles describing the Lefkoe Method for The California Therapist (Sept-Oct 2001, Vol. 13, Issue 5), The Group Therapist Perspective (Oct-Nov. 2001), and the California Psychologist (December, 2001).

He has spoken before such groups as the American Management Association, Vistage (formerly TEC), American Psychotherapy Association, American College of Counselors, American Association of Integrative Medicine, National Wellness Coalition, Managed Health Care Congress (NE), Association for Fitness in Business, and American Psychological Association-National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health. Morty also has presented The Lefkoe Method to many other groups of psychotherapists, including in-service training at many mental health facilities.


After the life altering event of her husband's illness, and holding the threads of her family together, Brenda was gifted with a 5 minute Reiki session which changed her life forever.

Connecting with Reiki helped Brenda to understand that there is more to our life experience than the flesh and bones that we see. She learned that we are truly energetic beings which have the potential to assist one another in ways very foreign to her nursing training. She learned that wellness is dependent on wellbeing in the energetic as well as the physical being, and that to have true happiness one must address the emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

Brenda is a Reiki Master Teacher, and has studied other modalities of Therapeutic Touch, and Integrated Energy Therapy. She is always seeking new and varied ways of working with the biomatrix. She is also the Founder and Host of The Healthy Wealthy Evolution, a telesummit series in which she interviews many wonderful and enlightened minds of our times in the realm of reaching our fullest health and wellbeing potentials.

Brent Phillips was a successful MIT-trained engineer who experienced a miracle change when his arm (immobile and frozen at the elbow after a surgery) healed in an instant after a single session of the holistic technique Theta Healing! He was so transformed by this experience that he gave up his career in technology and dedicated all of his science and engineering talent and experience to master instant healing and personal holistic transformation. Today, he shares the magic and miracles of Theta HealingTM with his students and clients around the world. You will be intrigued by his story and truly amazed by the power of this remarkable energy healing process.

Meg Benedicte is the owner of Soulful Services LLC, a holistic-based business in Mt. Shasta, California. Through extensive research in Bio-Energetics and Quantum Healing, Meg discovered the magnitude of change possible when tapping into the Zero Point Field of a counterclockwise spinning Vortex. By transferring Metatron's sacred geometric math in a torus vortex to personal healing, she can access unlimited free energy to eradicate disease, polarity and the decomposition of time.
With this transformational technique Meg has helped clients to quickly shift consciousness, unlock karma and remove energetic patterns so they can clear out-of-date systems of 3D Duality that limit their human experience. By utilizing geometric relationships to wave interaction, she developed the powerful Unified Field Vortex Meditations that are coded to bend space, access the 5th Dimension and open the crown chakra portal to the higher self.
For the past 15 years Meg has been sharing these dramatic findings in her proprietary process, Unified Field Therapy®, and with global audiences in teleclass/webinars, various speaking events, online radio shows, blogs and articles, CD Meditations, and her book, Soul Realized: Unlocking the Sacred Keys of Becoming a Divine Human. During the pivotal year of 2012 Meg is performing large global meditations into the galactic vortex to travel to the Great Central Sun and parallel crystalline universe, the origin of the divine human blueprint.

Amean is an information technology technical fellow at a major aerospace company and has been an active IT industry participant for almost three decades. Over the past twenty years, he has developed the ability to communicate with Divine intelligence and Ascended masters for healing oneself and others by opening the heart to divine love, joy, peace, and compassion. He has studied and practiced the art of distance healing integrating Sufism, Taoism, and the Chakra system. He has been healing people free of charge for the benefit of humanity from any distance for the last thirteen years.

Divine intelligence and energy in collaboration with Ascended masters and Archangels have helped Amean to integrate the Divine healing techniques complimenting Western/Eastern medicine. He has been teaching the foundation of healing oneself, others, and the living earth both on a national and international level using teleconferencing. He is the co-founder of healingPAQ organization, a non-profit educational foundation rooted in Divine intelligence and healing energy. HealingPAQ promotes individual's unique connection with the Divine through their heart.

Melinda Lee is a Certified Medical Intuitive Master Healer, with extensive experience in working with “Spirit” in over 30,000 healings and in 40 countries. Her experience is supported by having owned Natural Healing Clinics, studying over 20 different healing modalities, and working closely with Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing®, for over 12 years.

Having profound success with the healing of many, Fox News in Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S., promoted Melinda Lee and ThetaHealing® in two news stories which also drew tens of thousands of people to her work within weeks; this still continues and makes Melinda a real sought-after authority in her field. Melinda Lee is a Spiritual Counselor with over 25 years of experience, an accurate intuitive healer, “Reader,” “Channeler,” and Master Instructor of ThetaHealing®.”

Lisa Barnett is the Founder of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom, an International leader in teaching and creating resources for clarity and healing within the Akashic Records. As a Teacher and Consultant, Lisa supports her students and clients healing processes with the unconditional love, guidance, and wisdom from the Masters of the Akashic Records. She accesses this healing wisdom with grace through Sacred Prayers (vibrational keys), which are taught to students for accessing their personal Akashic Records connection. Students may also advance to Certified Consultant, allowing access to the Akashic Records of another.
Lisa’s has more than 20 years of experience in the Spiritual healing forum, specializes in working with individuals to help them arrive on their soul's path; also, clearing soul contracts, karma, and vows. Her special healing technique called "Pain Body Release " energetically helps her clients let go of their accumulated emotional pain, which may have been present throughout numerous lifetimes. This ancient wisdom helps you at a Soul level to create the Life Your Heart and Soul Desires.

Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt knows that sex is sacred, bodies are temples and true intimacy starts inside. This classy, sexy, Ivy League single mom is a captivating Storyteller, international selling Author, gifted Coach & sought after Media Personality.

Featured on CBS, FOX and TLC, People Magazine reported that she was the first person Leeza Gibbons contacted for coaching when signing on with Dancing with the Stars. Yet Allana's capacity to ooze sensual confidence & awaken it in her clients and audience comes from dissolving the shame and embracing the beauty of her experience as a topless dancer.

Author of three books, Allana battled an internal war of body shame and sexual guilt that destroyed her confidence, joy and softness. Now Allana pole dances for pleasure and is the walking embodiment of 'When Mama's happy, everybody's happy!'

Maya Angelou wrote, "Does my sexiness upset you?... I've got diamonds at the meeting of my thighs." Eve Enzler proclaims one billion women violated is an atrocity; one billion women dancing is a revolution. The Dali Lama said that the women of the western world will save the planet. Allana Pratt declares it's time to redefine MILF as a Maternally Inspiring Luscious Fox, whose potent radiance, exquisite intuition and sacred erotic nature is the seed and soul of a thriving family, community and planet.

Allana also adores men, heals their emasculated hearts, cures their 'nice guy' and awakens their noble badass honoring of women. In couple's work, this in turn inspires women to be a safe harbor, a healing touch, an erotic creature and appreciative honoring of their hero, true sacred communion and a rockin' relationship.

Allana's the proud mama of her 10 year old son and is an advocate to end sexual violence, to celebrate our bodies and exquisite sexual nature. She's helped thousands find confidence, sex appeal and thriving relationships through her Redefining Sexuality Program for Women, Get Her to Say Yes program for Men, Your Delicious Body DVD and as the Host of her provocative weekly show,

Sonia Ricotti, is the #1 bestselling author of Unsinkable: How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down, as well as, The Law of Attraction Plain and Simple (also a #1 bestseller).

She is the CEO/President of Lead Out Loud Inc, a leading-edge transformational company helping people around the globe achieve boundless success in all areas of their lives. She is a top-rated professional speaker and has shared the stage with some of the most renowned personal development experts of our time. She has inspired millions around the world, sharing her breakthrough strategies on how to overcome adversity, achieve financial abundance and extraordinary success; in fact, her inspirational video messages on Youtube have been viewed by well over 4 million people to date.

She is also the creator and host of the very popular Be Unsinkable Teleseminar Series where she interviews top experts on the topic of how to overcome adversity quickly and come out on top. Sonia believes in giving back and making a difference. Over the last few years, she has participated in (and led) humanitarian trips to several developing countries, including Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Thailand.

Karen Rauch Carter is a professional feng shui educator,consultant, and the best- selling author of Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life. She coaches, trains, and empowers people to use simple and advanced feng shui techniques to enrich and improve all areas of their lives. Karen has over 20 years of experience studying and implementing methods and modalities that produce consistent, and some say miraculous, results.

Karen's background is the basis for creating and developing, which is a comprehensive resource to create supportive inner and outer environments that generate amazing results. Karen's methodology integrates time-tested, researched, and newly-discovered practices for bodies, minds, spirits, and surroundings. Simply stated, Karen is a well-studied and experienced designer of healthy homes and vibrant lifestyles. She motivates her clients and audiences to rethink their day-to-day choices by implementing simple fixes for home, health, relationships and more

Rudy Hunter started life as a professional dancer & magician until a back injury curtailed his dancing career and prompted him to become a bodywork expert and teacher in an effort to learn all he could to help fix his own back...then onto fixing the backs of friends and clients. He became a Touch for Health Instructor under the direct, personal supervision of Dr. John Thie, D.C., the highly-respected founder of this terrific bodywork modality. Rudy went on to train many lay people, massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors and other bodyworkers. Living in the country with bodywork skills he soon found great skill working on all kinds of animals. He has published dozens of magic articles, manuscripts, books, effects and DVD's. He went on to develop many energetic bodywork techniques including The Phoenix Technique for the head, neck and face, Sacred 8 Healing for helping others heal and the amazing self-care technique called H.E.A.R.T. (Hunter's Emotional Alignment Rescue Technique) for gently re-setting your emotional upsets in under 3 minutes. He worked with people in person for many years until he discovered that he was more effective doing distance work using the voice as his way to access the client's energetic system. Rudy works with people from Canada, England, Japan, Australia...all over the English-speaking world by telephone helping them to get back on track and out of physical and emotional pain. His work is fast, focused and highly compassionate. He is a pleasure to work with.

For nearly ten years, Karen Abrams has been a practicing Theta Healer. Theta healing is a unique form of meditation where practitioners enter the theta state. There, they are able to shift their thoughts away from negative, limiting beliefs to more positive perspectives; a process of healing that can free them from longstanding emotional burdens and even chronic or unhealthy physical conditions.

Karen first came to Theta Healing after watching a friend transform her life with it. Curious, Karen began to study Theta techniques

herself, gaining immediate and lasting relief from chronic health issues that had overwhelmed her for years. She also discovered that Theta Healing improved her relationships and helped her achieve greater professional success.

A UCLA graduate in Psychology, Karen honed the listening and observation skills critical to Theta Healing through her extensive experience in the education field. For more than 30 years, she has worked with a broad range of clients, in diverse environments from students and professionals, business owners and artists, to stay-at-home Moms and even other Theta healers.

Karen is now a Master Theta Healer, certified instructor and Relationship Expert. Her practice is filled with clients and healers from around the world. She offers Theta Healing sessions both in-person and by phone, and conducts regular classes, teleclasses, and workshops that apply Theta Healing to everyday life. Topics include "Finding Your Soulmate," "Making Love Happen," "Making Money Happen," and "Healing Your Heart for the Holidays."

Karen is happily married to her life partner and the mother of one daughter, and resides with her family in Los Angeles, California.

12 years ago Cyndi Krupp looked for an alternative to prescription drugs to transcend crippling panic disorder. Her journey into spirituality, energy healing, and mind power has completely transformed her life. She now spends her days looking for ways to share her message with all those who may benefit - with joy and in celebration of this magnificent journey.

Meet Heather Picken, a Breakthrough Money, Marketing and Mindset Coach for women coaches, consultants, and women entrepreneurs desiring empowerment and wishing to create a 6-figure+ income. Heather offers the opportunity for her clients to enjoy more freedom and take control of their lives.

Serving an international audience, Heather's clients span the globe from Seattle to South Africa. She is the founder of the Quantum Institute, the International Association of Women Coaches and Entrepreneurs, and her signature program, the Quantum Money, Marketing, and Mindset Certification. This 7-step formula shows women coaches, consultants, and women entrepreneurs how to remove their money blocks to construct a 6-figure+ business. Heather has created multiple streams of income; she has been successful in seven lucrative ventures so far. She is passionate in teaching her clients to do the same using breakthrough marketing and Universal principles.

Heather is also a woman's empowerment speaker, Certified Hypnotherapist. She is in the process of launching The Hypnosis Center for Change, for the woman who wants to breakthrough to her success. Heather hosts her own weekly radio show and is the best-selling author of the book Body of Love: 57 Secrets for Creating Your Ideal Body Using The Law of Attraction. Currently she is working on her second book on how to breakthrough your limiting beliefs and create your own destiny.

She has appeared as a guest on many radio shows including one of the most popular in personal growth, Hay House Radio.

She has interviewed some of the most dynamic and influential people today; from relationship experts like Dr. John Gray, who wrote "Men are from Mars and Women are From Venus," to leading neuroscientists and researchers like Daniel Amen, who wrote "Change your Brain Change Your Life," and world leading self-improvement experts. Additionally, she has interviewed most of the cast from the popular movie "The Secret."

Heather remains dedicated to furthering women's causes in business and in life. Through her many occupations and experiences, Heather has become a gifted and charismatic guide in making positive changes in the lives of those women she coaches.

Eram is the producer of the Worldwide expansive tele summit series, From Heartache to Joy, where she interviews experts supporting individuals in healing old wounds and discovering their innate capacity to experience Joy. Eram is also the founder of Journey to Joy Foundation, a global initiative launched to eradicate crimes against women such as honor killings and child marriages and to educate 100,000 women in the Eastern countries over the next year.

Nick Ortner is the producer of the documentary film, "The Tapping Solution." Nick is a "searcher,"constantly reading, exploring and experimenting with the incredible information all around that can change lives. When he found EFT Tapping, and was startled by the results, he knew he had to find a way to get this information into the mainstream. He produced "The Tapping Solution," a best-selling documentary film that features 10 people overcoming enormous challenges by using EFT Tapping. The film features experts like Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton, Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, Cheryl Richardson, Dr. Joe Mercola and more. He also produced the worldwide online event "The Tapping World Summit," which has been attended by over 500,000 people in the past four years (all for free!) and manages the monthly membership program, the "Tapping Insiders Club." He has produced and coordinated other projects on health and wellness, such as David Wolfe's "21 Days to Health" program, and is an owner and managing director of another documentary, "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes In 30 Days."

Loral Langemeier is living proof that it makes no difference where you start in life; anyone can have the life of his or her dreams. Loral is a money expert, sought after speaker, best selling author and President and CEO of Live Out Loud, Inc. - a wealth coaching company.

Growing up on her family's farm in Nebraska, Loral learned the value of hard work, per- sistence and how to get things done even in the face of much opposition and criticism.

Loral began her career working for the Chevron Corporation right out of college. It was clear to her early on that there was more to life than cubicles and trading her time for dollars. De- spite her own fears and persuasion from friends and family against it, Loral quit her job at Chevron to become an Executive Coach.

Virtually overnight, Loral quintupled her income as an Executive Coach, while working much less. With her newfound freedom of time and accumulation of wealth she founded Live Out Loud, Inc. As a single mother, Loral has since dedicated her life to helping men and women from all walks of life to become millionaires and have time to spend with their families.

Loral's passion to help families enjoy wealth and prosperity is what has motivated her to write ?ve best-selling books (Yes! Energy: The Equation to Do Less, Make More; The Million- aire Maker; The Millionaire Maker's Guide to Wealth Cycle Investing; The Millionaire Maker's Guide to Creating a Cash Machine for Life and Put More Cash In Your Pocket). Loral, as an author, sits with an elite few. Very few American non-?ction authors have reached number one status on the Nielsen Book Scan in Australia, let alone in the US.

Today, under Loral's direction, Live Out Loud, Inc., is a multinational organization. Not only is Loral a business developer, she is also a key thought leader in the entrepreneurial space. As a single mother of two children, she is rede?ning the possibility for women to "have it all" and raise their children in an entrepreneurial and ?nancially literate environment.

Loral is often booked out for months in advance on guest spots on CNN, CNBC, The Street TV, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Channel-America's Nightly Scoreboard, The Dr. Phil Show and The View. She is a regular guest-host on The Circle in Australia and has been featured in articles in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes Magazine and was the breakout star in the ?lm The Secret.

Legacy is something very important to Loral. She is a frequent donor to charitable groups including, The Boys and Girls Club of America, The Lake Tahoe Bear League, An Empow- ered Woman Foundation, Life School and Family Resource Centers. She has developed special programs for women and children and, in 2012, raised $40,000 for the founder of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. She also runs Serve Out Loud, a program aimed at providing discounted education in ?nancial literacy to United States Veterans. For more information on Loral, please visit:

Eric Altman is an awakened spiritual teacher committed to assist in the awakening of each person. Eric works internationally offering a system of energy healing transmissions he developed and coined Heart Field Healing. Effective both in person and at a distance. Eric has a gift of transmitting optimal energy to others. This Source energy has an intelligence of its own and results in profound physical, emotional and spiritual transformation. Eric's transmissions promote presence, inner freedom, wellness, creativity and self-reliant wholeness. Eric combines his gift of healing with an awakened state of teaching. To him the biggest myth of all time is that spiritual evolution is difficult. He devotes his life to cutting through this paradigm. Rather, freedom is about subtracting the ideas around awakening and claiming what is already fully complete inside of you. Eric is here to demonstrate to you that you can instantly ignite and live in the truth of who you are.

Dr. Nelson is a specialist in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology. His book, The Emotion Code is a distinct and authoritative work that is destined to become a classic on self-healing. Dr. Bradley Nelson graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College West, in San Lorenzo, California in 1988. He has lectured nationally on the natural healing of chronic illness, and was in private practice until 2004, where he specialized in treating patients from across the US and Canada who were suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. The Emotion Code is his first book.

Dr. Nelson is one of the nation's foremost experts in magnetic healing, and has developed a simple yet powerful self-help method known as "The Body Code," of which "The Emotion Code" is a part. Dr. Nelson is married and is the father of seven children. He lives with his family in Southern Utah

Ken Lauher advises individuals, businesses and organizations on how to implement practical Feng Shui solutions to help you achieve your goals & live a more fulfilling life. His inspiring and transformational work with well known actors, actresses, TV Hosts, singers, songwriters, CEO's and business owners makes him a sought after speaker.

Ken is all about personal transformation and growth, empowering and inspiring tens of thousands of women and men around the world to have "Freedom" in your personal and financial life. By showing you the patterns for success and blending it all together with the right mindset, anything is possible.

Ken will show you how you too can "Master Your Life" moving through your limits to what you think are possible for yourself and your space. He invites you to come along this journey with him and to like never before get unstuck, achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

Kim Olver, LCPC, NCC, BCC is the best-selling, award winning author of Secrets of Happy Couples, the creator of InsideOut Empowerment™, and the founder and president of Coaching for Excellence. She also wrote the book, Leveraging Diversity at Work. Kim is an international renown speaker and coach who specializes in helping people get along better with the important people in their lives, including themselves, at home and at work. Clients who work with her have addressed topics such as relationships, parenting, goal attainment, team building, appreciation of diversity, overcoming addiction, weight loss, depression, anxiety, leadership, de-escalation skills, grief & loss and breakthrough strategies for success.

In 2003 Canadian EFT Practitioner Grant Connolly had a simple idea for releasing emotional upset that he used to help himself begin to deal with a lifetime of disappointment, loss and pain. In 2004, he put that idea out on the Internet to 10 people who told 10 people, who told 10 people and so on. Today, Grant happily and with profound gratitude, teaches and demonstrates his ZPoint Process around the world.

Beth Daniel completed a Masters degree in educational psychology and an Educational Specialist degree (Masters plus sixty credits in school psychological services) at the University of Minnesota. She is licensed as a school psychologist and practiced for eight years where her focus was on wellness promotion, crisis prevention and intervention with children and families. Beth is currently completing her Doctorate in Naturopathy. As a Quantum Techniques practitioner, Beth works outside of her role or licensure as a psychologist.

Beth entered the field of Energy Medicine due to her complete recovery from severe multiple chemical sensitivities, fibromyalgia and environmental illness using Quantum Techniques. Prior to QT, she had between 25 and 30 allergic reactions per day, some of which were anaphylactic in nature and required oxygen for respiration. Beth is also a cancer survivor. Upon her recovery, Beth trained in Quantum Techniques, Masters level Neurolink, the Yuen Method, Contact Reflex Analysis, Field Control Therapy, and Emotional Freedom Techniques. Beth is one of only a few hundred people in the world trained at the Masters level in Neurolink and is an Academy Member of the Neurological Integration System. Beth has been a speaker at a number of educational workshops on a variety of topics, including Energy Medicine and its applications. She is a contributor to a book entitled "Ready, Aim, Captivate" which is endorsed by Deepak Chopra. Beth has served as a consultant for a non-profit youth mentorship organization. Beth is the co-founder of Quantum Techniques as it has evolved over the past several years. Beth and Stephen and their Rottweilers are based in Maui, Hawaii.

Dr. Stephen Daniel obtained a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology in 1981. He practiced as a psychotherapist and then as a psychologist for 22 years prior to retiring as a psychologist to help develop Quantum Techniques and work in bioenergetic medicine full time. During his years as a psychologist he held a proficiency by the American Psychological Association in treating addictive disorders, was advanced-level trained in EMD/R, was a consultant in clinical hypnosis with the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and held a Diplomate-Fellow status in psychopharmacology as well as being boarded as a specialist in trauma medicine. Dr. Daniel practices Quantum Techniques as an ordained minister and as a Chaplain.

Dr. Daniel was the fifth person ever trained by Dr. Roger Callahan in Voice Technology. He is a conference presenter on the EFT series on chronic illness. He is advanced level trained in NAET by Dr. Nambudripad, and Level 3 trained in TBM by Dr. Victor Frank. Dr. Daniel has Master's level training in Neurolink as well. He is a Licensed Scientific Investigator of the Institute of Technical Energy Medicine, using Resonant Field Imaging. He is trained in using Heart Rate Variability Instrumentation as well as Heartmath. In addition, he has studied and developed expertise in Field Control Therapy, Chinese medicine, and Dr. West's lymphatic work. Dr. Daniel is the founding member of QT and lives with his wonderful wife and healer Beth on the island of Maui, Hawaii.

Debra spent the first decade of her adult life with the greatest Masters of the east often in deep meditation for 10 to 12 hours a day and complete silence for weeks at a time. In the 1980's she began studying the teachings of the great Masters of western metaphysical thought and the lives of men and women who had mastered material fame and fortune. Combining the essence of these three bodies of knowledge, she launched Yes to Success Seminars. Within a few short years her seminars were being taught in dozens of major US cities and 7 countries on 4 continents and she was appearing on major media from coast to coast. Some of Debra's students became millionaires, billionaires and even household names while others gave up 6 figure incomes and devoted their lives to charitable pursuits or "to God" - all because of the profoundly spiritual yet practical secrets they learned from Debra. "Now," Debra says, "because we are living at a time where so much light is pouring on the planet, we can not only be successful and prosperous by applying very simple tools, but the state of self-realization or living an awakened life is within the reach of every one of us."

"If you are truly ready for illumination, look no further than the knowledge you will gain from my good friend Debra Poneman."

Richard Flook is a META-Medicine® Head Trainer and Licensed META-Health Consultant, as well as a Master & Trainer of NLP, Time Line TherapyTM and Hypnotherapy. He is the author of "Why Am I Sick?" Richard is a founding member in the UK of META-Medicine® and is on the board of the International META-Medicine® Association. He has spent the last 16 years studying human behavior and actively applying META-Medicine® with clients and achieving amazing results for the past 4 years. He also works with therapists teaching advanced therapeutic interventions.

Ann Taylor is a world-renowned energy healer and the founder of Inner Healing, Inc. Over the past 17 years Ann has used her healing gift to empower tens of thousands of people in 111 different countries, including all 50 US states, to miraculously eliminate fears, worries, and limiting beliefs that have haunted them their entire lives… all within a matter of minutes! She has worked with and is endorsed by Dr. Bernie Siegel, Joe Vitale and Robert Scheinfeld to name a few.

Ann was a very successful stockbroker for over 12 years and a VP of a Fortune 500 company when she was guided to change her life path and discovered her amazing ability to heal. Over the past 3 decades Ann has been committed to personal and spiritual growth, learning new concepts and techniques that empowered her to be of service and make a contribution to humanity.

Ann has a gift for creating instantaneous miraculous changes in consciousness at a deep and profound level that is unlike anything else available today. What is unique about Ann is that her gift reprograms you with a new consciousness that makes it so that the original limiting belief never returns. Those issues will never be issues again. No one else can replicate Ann's results in permanently eliminating limiting beliefs, bad habits, and negative emotions. Her gift will create these transformative miraculous changes whether heard live or recorded – one on one or with thousands of people at a time.

Her healing work is legendary.

Jarrad Hewett is a gifted healer who has worked with some of the biggest and most recognizable names in the self-help and spiritual movement. He is the bestselling author of Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation, as well as the co-author of the #1 International Best-seller, The Big E - Everything is Energy. Through his work, he seeks to help others reconnect with their own inner guidance, wisdom, and peace. His goal is to empower all of creation by sharing his personal humor and insight.

Jarrad was born clairvoyant and clairaudient with the gift to see all forms of energy. Raised in a strict, conservative home, Jarrad was taught to hide his gifts. Religion told him that he was flawed, broken, and wrong. As he grew, this manifested in becoming morbidly obese by the age of 9. In his early twenties, he suffered from debilitating heart problems that often landed him in the Emergency room. Crippled by anxiety and depression, wracked with guilt and disease, and believing his heart condition was going to kill him, he finally surrender to the realization that everything is energy.

Today Jarrad is a whole new person having transcended all his past stories of disease and disharmony. Jarrad is one of the most powerful and brilliant healers, writers, and channels on the planet. Jarrad provides an awe-inspiring view of God, Consciousness and what it means to be alive. Constant as the ever-present moment of now is our Source Self, and Jarrad's message is a living embodiment to that concept. Understanding how to reach and operate from that center are the keys to uniting and healing not just a fractured culture, but a fractured self. By tapping into our authentic self, we begin to see in life-altering ways that through our own actions, in-actions, thoughts, beliefs, how our world has come into being.

Jarrad charts new territory not only with his casual, fun, conversation-style of healing, but also with the profundity and in-depth explanations of how the Law of Attraction actually works, why it sometimes appears not to work, and how every single subject in our lives all relates back to one simple subject: Love. He powerfully demonstrates the full potential of love and conscious creatorship in ways that will astound, astonish, and leave you breathlessly moved.

Jarrad takes his audience on an adventure to explore not only the self and one's own creation, but the role of the self in the overall creation and experience of the universe as well. Most importantly, he empowers everyone to live in the now and shows in life-altering ways how to truly love oneself.

Colby Wilk Originally a counselor/coach, Colby recognized that there was a power beyond traditional therapeutic methods that could shift what seemed unchangeable the very core of a person. Through spiritual and theta healing, Colby teaches participants to create a powerful, magical relationship to themselves and to life. Colby trains others to be there own teacher, to access spiritual states and to overcome blocks. In addition to classes and in person and remote sessions Colby offers FREE healings through his website:

Eram is the producer of the Worldwide expansive tele summit series, From Heartache to Joy, where she interviews experts supporting individuals in healing old wounds and discovering their innate capacity to experience Joy.

Eram is also the founder of Journey to Joy Foundation, a global initiative launched to eradicate crimes against women such as honor killings and child marriages and to educate 100,000 women in the Eastern countries over the next year.

Rikka Zimmerman is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, LLC and an acclaimed international speaker. Rikka's light shines ever-brightly as an invitation and inspiration to each Being on the planet to discover and embrace the greatest, most magnificent expression of themselves. During the last several years, Rikka has traveled all over the world and worked with thousands of people. She empowers people to know who they are, and have always been, the catalyst for bringing about transformation for themselves and for the planet.

Through Rikka's Adventure in Oneness Events, which include 4 and 8 Day Adventures, Telesummits, Teleclasses, and individual and corporate Coaching, people realize and actualize who they truly ARE, beyond the illusion of limitations.

Rikka appears on TV and Radio shows internationally as well as in print and online publications. She is the author of "21 Secrets of the Universe-Tools For Getting Everything You Desire Out of Life", has an ever-growing Membership Site, hosts a weekly radio show on the World Puja Network with nearly 1 million listeners in 139 countries, facilitates classes all over the world, and is a renowned singer/songwriter. Her latest hit song is entitled Billion Butterflies.

Mark Robert Waldman is a therapist and an Associate Fellow at the Center for Spirituality and the Mind, University of Pennsylvania, where he currently conducts research with Andrew Newberg, MD, on the neurological correlates of beliefs, morality, compassion, meditation, religious experiences, and spiritual practices. He is adjunct faculty at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, where he is developing communication tools for the Executive MBA program. He lectures frequently at conferences, colleges, and churches on topics relating to the neuropsychology of stress, relaxation, emotional control, relationship dynamics, con?ict resolution, mediation, communication, weight management, and the neurobiological development of personal values and business ethics (neuroeconomics). His research has been featured in Time Magazine, Washington Post, Oprah Magazine and Radio, USA Today, The New York Times science section, and his interviews have appeared on dozens of radio and television programs, including Oprah and Friends.

Robert and Terri TallTree are best-selling authors, peace advocates and world-renown recording artists. The TallTrees have been teaching Native American cultural programs for more than 30 years, and have appeared on PBS, the BBC, Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel.

A direct lineal descendent of Black Elk of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan, Robert TallTree walks a clear path between the worlds of contemporary America and that of traditional Native American peoples of today. TallTree brings a fresh voice and clear vision to who we are and what we can choose to become.

Discover your life purpose and experience spiritual transformation through the Native American wisdom they share. Learn how your "Three Arrows of Power" are the key to consciously manifesting your destiny and creating the life of your dreams.

Guides and Mentors to Self-Mastery and Personal Transformation, The TallTrees are living proof that miracles happen and dreams come true when you align your Mind, Body and Spirit.

Debra Cummings has overcome many obstacles in her life including spending years in depression, a constant state of anxiety and having panic attacks on a regular basis. It took numerous prescription medications for Debra just to be able to function.nShe is a person who came from a childhood of sexual abuse, low self-esteem, no confidence, and lack of purpose in her life.

Debra spent many years pretending to be perfect, pretending to be nice, pretending to be happy. She pretended to be someone else until being introduced to the methods founded and developed by Jo Dunning, her life became easier and she began to discover her true self.

Lissa Coffey is a Lifestyle and Relationship Expert who serves up an inspiring blend of ancient wisdom and modern style on her website and in her e-mail newsletters. She is the host of the CoffeyTalk web series on youtube, blinkx and other online outlets. Lissa is a bestselling author, her most recent book is: "What's Your Dharma? Discover the Vedic Way to Your Life's Purpose." Lissa is often called the "Dosha Diva" - she is the world renowned authority on Ayurveda and Relationships. Her book on the topic is "What's Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love." A sought-after guest expert, Lissa Coffey appears frequently on television and radio and contributes to many national publications with her insightful and compassionate approach to modern-day issues. Her e-mail newsletters are enjoyed around the world by a steadily growing subscriber base. Lissa Coffey is a certified instructor with The Chopra Center, and Deepak Chopra is her mentor. Chopra says of Lissa: "Your heart will thank you for Lissa's helpful and heartful vision."

Susann Taylor Shier is a highly established and exceptionally gifted author, speaker, and intuitive counselor who teaches you how to access and live from the magnificence of your soul gifts, strengths and purpose in this world. With over 35 years as a soul-level practitioner, Susann is committed to inspire the revelation of each person's heart and soul.

As a master of intuitive connection, Susann's soul level coaching and teaching opens you to build the bridge from your soulful and heart-centered self to the vibrant, joyful expression of life, allowing your destiny to be seen, supported and fulfilled.

In her work, Susann applies skills and experience from thirty years in the healing arts field. She has a B.A. in Psychology and is a certified Body Alignment Therapist, Alchemical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and Attunement Practioner. She was registered with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) as a psychotherapist for over 17 years. Susann is also trained in Cellular Release, Craniosacral Therapy and is a licensed Avatar Master.

Four years ago Lauren Schnell created a radical u-turn surviving a brain tumor, near divorce, financial devastation and so much more. Lauren teaches individuals from her own personal transformation how to thrive by using her daily spiritual practice tools including a technology she created called Activating Affirmations. Lauren is a motivational speaker, life coach and author of a series of life-changing audio recordings including her 30-Day Mind Cleanse. Lauren's expertise is in holistic nutrition, yoga, and empowering women to prosper debt-free, transform troubled marriages, and return to optimal health.

Chris Cade considers himself a voracious seeker of Truth. He is a second-degree black belt and martial arts Champion who has firewalked with Peggy Dylan, swum with wild dolphins in Bimini, and tested software to find the bugs. His journey - leaving a six-figure income and corporate life with Hitachi and Adobe for a spiritual one - has rewarded this visionary with the opportunity to serve hundreds of thousands of people worldwide in over 150 countries. A graduate of The Monroe Institute's Gateway Voyage program, and a student of the Diamond Approach, Chris is a spiritual teacher and grateful father.

Michelle Carter had experienced a lifetime of poor health that traditional doctors struggled to cure and sometimes even understand what was wrong. She suffered from chronic colds, tonsillitis, glandular fever, anaemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal fatigue and that's just what they were able to diagnose.

After a life of many jobs that she never really enjoyed and failing in relationships and marriage, she found herself as a single mother of 2 daughters, having a total physical break-down, and being too ill to work . . . her life needed a big change!

Eventually she found energy healing and released everything energy related causing her illness, every situation that had made her unhappy, every person that she had a negative association with. She released heart barriers, cut ties to everyone and just released until she started to feel better.

After experiencing the amazing benefits of energy healing herself she began to share it with others who had the same impressive results. Michelle strongly believes that energy healing can heal anything when you dig into the hidden layers and find out what the true emotion or issue is.

Energy transmissions have transformed her life and made her a powerful healer in her own right. Now she shares her gift with the world so others can experience the amazing benefits of energy healing and live the life they've always wanted.

Raquel Spencer is an internationally acclaimed Multi-Dimensional Energy and Cellular Light Specialist, Author, Facilitator and Intuitive. Raquel has been referred to as a Multi-Dimensional Computer, Energetic Electrician and Master Healer of Cellular Light.

She works within the Quantum Fields and Pure Potential of Light and Sound assisting others to embody their own Divine Essence. She specializes in activating the dormant mind/body Light pathways and multi-dimensional cellular codes of Light that assists you with remembering your True Self!

Simply stated, Raquel's work prepares the physical and energetic bodies for the upcoming shift by accessing her ancient memories and skills from lifetimes as a Hathor, Tibetan Monk, Atlantean Healer, knowledge from the Original Etheric Crystal Skulls and many cosmic/universal expressions.

A graduate of CSU, Sacramento with a B.S. in Business, Raquel worked for Fortune 100 companies for more than twenty years. Her life shifted profoundly after an unexplained 5-week coma, during which she underwent a Soul Braid and a rewiring of her physical and energetic systems. The coma marked the beginning of her own personal awakening and preparation to fulfill her ancient agreement to help prepare humanity for the "Shift in Consciousness."

Paddi Moore is one of the first contemporary neo-Vedic Astrologers in North America, here fulfilling her vision of incorporating this sacred ancient wisdom as a normal practice in the Western world. She sits on the Board of Directors of the American Council of Vedic Astrologers, and has received honorary degrees from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences. Paddi holds the title of Jyotish Medhashri, which recognizes her as being a leading pioneer in spreading the spiritual science of Vedic Astrology in the West.

Paddi's professional repertoire is the result of over 25 years of experience as a teacher and life-long student in the field of astrology, metaphysics and spiritual sciences. In this lifetime she has traveled the globe, studied with countless Indian Masters and healers, deepening her practice and understanding of some of the most sacred and powerful knowledge available in our time. Her studies eventually guided her to her deepest passion and life calling, Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology). Currently, Paddi is recognized throughout many parts of the world as being an influential leader in her field.

Paddi had her first intense spiritual awakening at the age of seven, an experience that would shape and form what would become her life today. By the time she was ten, she began to meet Gurus, or teachers, who would show up in her life in the most unusual places, guiding her in the disciplines of healing and spirituality. She has participated in puja in the four sacred sites of the Hindu religion in the Himalayas, India, and was lucky enough to have a great master meet her at the base of the Ganges River, at 15,000 feet, an experience she holds dear to her heart. At the age of 23, Paddi graduated as one of the first Registered Massage Therapists in Canada. She received her first degree in Western Astrology at the age of 27, right after the birth of her 2nd daughter. She spent the following 20 years in Whistler, BC, Canada, raising 5 children, and deepening her practice of yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, astrology, and healing. She opened the first Ayurvedic Spa in the Fairmont Chateau Whistler in 1998, which was rated one of the Top 10 Spas in North America, and was responsible for bringing many Indian Masters to Whistler during her time there. In most recent years, Paddi has been living in the Mayan lands, studying the Shaman traditions. In 2003, Paddi received her BA in Vedic Astrology from the America College of Vedic Astrologers. Her love for Jyotisha was born.

Mary Beth Vanderlinden is an Ordained Minister and internationally known as a powerful Intuitive Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Women's Retreat Facilitator and Intuitive Energy Artist/Teacher. She personally believes that all healing is a gift from God, and is available to each and every one of us. Mary Beth has been performing "the laying on of hands" for over 30 years.

Her studies, training and expertise include:

  • Certified Reiki Master Teacher
  • Medical Intuitive (certified by Caroline Sutherland)
  • Level III Reconnective Healing® Certified Practitioner
  • The Reconnection Practitioner® Certified Practitioner
  • Registered Nursing Assistant
  • Licensed 'Passions Into Profits' Coach (licensed by Valerie Young)
Additionally, Mary Beth has studied Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine For Women with Donna Eden, trained with Sonia Choquette in Developing Your Intuition, and was trained in Mastering Mediumship by James Van Praagh, learned Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, House and Business Clearing and many other types of healing and spiritual development in an 18 month Energy Intensive Course.

Most recently she had the honor of being one of only 26 people in the world, to date, that have been trained in the 111™Activation and The Universal Sphere process.

By combining energy medicine with spiritual teaching, coaching and creativity Mary Beth is able to honor each woman's beliefs while empowering their Spirit. She offers her clients and students a holistic view of healing and cares deeply about leading women on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment and endless possibilities. Her down to earth style, quick wit, and willingness to be transparent allows her clients to feel immediately at ease and connected with her. She conducts both in-person and distance healing sessions, workshops, intuitive art and Women's "Where Energy Meets Passion" healing retreats on her beautiful creekside property in Gig Harbor, Washington and other locations throughout the country and the world.

Mary Beth is the mother of two, and grandmother of five beautiful grandchildren that bring her great joy. She loves to travel, spend time in the beauty of the northwest, learn, and teach bold, adventurous women how to live a connected, healthy, fuller lives free of fear and blocks that hold them back but full of passion and creativity that leaves them open to possibilities. From the bottom of her heart, Mary Beth thanks you for taking the time to read just a snippet of her personal story. If you have any questions, thoughts or comments, feel free to connect with her as she truly looks forward to meeting you and learning more about you. She wishes you each love, joy, blessings, and abundance.

Lisa Jaya Waters brings to Self Synthesize! a 30 year spiritual journey seeking the source of infinite joy and bliss! She traversed many paths of wisdom such as a 30-year Iyengar yoga practice, a 20-year meditation practice, spiritual counseling, extensive shadow/subconscious work, neuroscience, a coaching background, formalized post graduate education to name but a few!

Anyone who interacts with Lisa experiences that joy emanating from her cells! She loves sharing the wisdom she has gathered and road tested to help you discover your own inner power, harmony and bliss!

Deeply immersed in her practice of Iyengar Yoga, with more than 20 years experience teaching yoga, she has conducted yoga workshops throughout the world. She recently won the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest continuous yoga attempt! Lisa plays with the interface between mind, body and spirit using, yoga, coaching, and Self Synthesize! Frequency facilitation; a truly delightful and life changing experience for anyone who has experienced her work!