Attention: This Special Offer Is Only Available For a Limited Time!
Overcome the Behavior Patterns that
Keep You Stuck & Manifest the Life You Desire
by Understanding Your God Code/Blueprint
The Most Important Journey You Will Every Take Begins with Understanding Self.

Joanne’s cutting-edge software program was developed five decades ago after rediscovering the ancient science of numbers. Her computer program was recently updated to offer you a one-of-a kind personalized assessment report to unlocking your full potential. With the new update, you will be able to generate and download your own report in PDF format. This report is only available through Joanne for a limited-time only and is a once in a lifetime purchase. Based on what areas of personal development you seek, the report is designed to be the tool of choice in the following areas:

Personal Development • Communications • Relationships
Compatibilities • Life Experiences • Careers • Partner Selection
• Name Changes

Joanne Justis was trained in the ancient ways by learned teachers who came before her. A spiritual gifted, intuitive metaphysical practitioner and world renowned authority of Chaldean Numerology, Joanne was well-trained after combining forces with two other Chaldean Masters. Together they shared decades of their discoveries, experiences, validity and accuracy of case studies and investigations. This collaboration resulted in developing new and innovative enhancements and authorizing the industry standard encyclopedia on Chaldean Numerology for calculating the formulas—a straightforward approach to generating the most accurate Numerology reports for all times—and an in-depth presentation on taking Numerology to levels never before attained. Joanne is dedicated to assisting individuals in their personal development and self-improvement journey.

Chaldean Numerology takes this ancient science, modernizes it, makes it user-friendly, and puts the empowerment tools back into your hands. This analytical program was well-developed and tested to answer questions about self and life's experiences and transitions bringing, insight, clarity, and understanding to your personal experiences, thus enabling you to make better choices in life. If you're looking for a foolproof, and ultimately, successful system of improving your life by knowing yourself to establish self-understanding, increase your self-esteem, and take enlightened control of your life, then look no further.

This Special Offer From Heartache to Joy is about discovering yourself, to develop the art and science of living, to reach a state of mental alertness, emotional balance, physical action, and spiritual awareness, and to become by example, a demonstration of what is best in mankind. We are now laying down a new future, creating a new paradigm of values (which in turn affect your attitudes and thus, your behavior patterns). As in the times of other Golden Ages, we have begun to turn toward the most fundamental goal—that of understanding human purpose! Understanding your God Code assigned to you at birth is critical and your first step. Joanne is able to decipher your God Code by analyzing your blueprint and providing insight into your destiny, personality, purpose, goals, strengths, weaknesses and more.

Your Personal Assessment and Character Analysis to “Discover the Science of You” is a proven analytical and powerful roadmap for your life’s purpose and happiness. Developed and well-tested, it will bring laser-like insight, clarity, and understanding of your personal experiences, from childhood through adulthood. By understanding your God Code, you are then more likely to make better life decisions, improve your communication skills and enhance relationships with everyone in your life and those yet to come.

Unlock Your Full Potential – Your God-Given Right

“What is Necessary to Change a Person is to Change
His-Her Awareness of Themself”
--Abraham H. Maslow
Joanne is offering you two fabulous packages that will give you guidance in your personal lives by understanding your God Code or character analysis.


Click to View Sample Report (Oprah Winfrey)

(Note: This is how your complete 41 page report will look like!)

Special Offer #1
A Total Value of $249
Yours for Only $137
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied, you may Receive a full refund. Conditions Apply*
One Comprehensive Numerology Report
“Discover the Science of You - Your Personal Assessment to Unlocking the Secrets of Your Full Potential—Your God Code”
Special Offer #2
A Total Value of $399
Yours for Only $179
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied, you may Receive a full refund. Conditions Apply*
One Comprehensive Numerology Report
“Discover the Science of You Your Personal Assessment to Unlocking the Secrets of Your Full Potential—Your God Code”

+ 30-Minute, Recorded, Live, Private Reading/Consultation with Joanne

One Chaldean Numerology Comprehensive Report
[This Offer Does Not Come with a Reading/Consultation]
    About the Report:
  • 40-Page Report that will provide you with guidance in your personal life by understanding your God Code or character analysis

  • Report - God Code assigned at birth is valid for life [from birth to death].

  • Report is written as a story about you and how you are wired from the “inside-out” and is self-explanatory; therefore, does not require a reading.

  • Report is generated and downloaded by the purchaser and is electronically delivered. Purchaser will receive email instructions on how to generate and download his/her Report

  • Refer to Description of the Report below for more details.

Click to View Sample Report (Oprah Winfrey)

(Note: This is how your complete 41 page report will look like!)

Special Offer #1
A Total Value of $249
Yours for Only $137
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied,
you may Receive a full refund. Conditions Apply*
One Comprehensive Numerology Report
“Discover the Science of You - Your Personal Assessment to
Unlocking the Secrets of Your Full Potential—Your God Code”
One Chaldean Numerology Comprehensive Report
[This Offer Comes with a 30-Minute, Recorded, Live Private
Reading/Consultation with Joanne]
    About the Report:
  • 40-Page Report that will provide you with guidance in your personal life by understanding your God Code or character analysis.

  • God Code assigned at birth is valid for life [from birth to death].

  • Report is written as a story about you and how you are wired from the “inside-out” and is self-explanatory; however this offer comes with a 30-minute, recorded, live private reading with Joanne for those individuals who would like to discuss their God Code Report live with the ability to ask questions on a First-Come, First-Served Basis. You will be contacted to schedule your reading/consultation. US/Canadian calls are placed to you and international calls are placed through SKYPE. Audios are recorded in MP3 format and are delivered electronically after the reading.

  • Report is generated and downloaded by the purchaser and is electronically delivered. Purchaser will receive email instructions on how to generate and download his/her Report.

  • Refer to Description of the Report below for more details.

Description of the Report
Joanne is offering a Chaldean Numerology Comprehensive Report that will give you guidance in your personal lives by understanding your God Code or character analysis.

  • Your comprehensive report will illuminate the opportunities you need to seize your full potential. You will receive your comprehensive report—Your God Code—that goes way deeper than anything you’ve ever seen before and is a once in a lifetime purchase. It will include a complete introduction that explains pertinent information so you will better understand your report, then you will learn how name changes will affect you. Background information sets the stage for the information you will receive in your report and then you will be provided with an At-A-Glance Summary detailing all of your distinct components (characteristics), complete with a full explanation of how those characteristics interact with each other by understanding how you are wired from the inside-out. This report is accurate from childhood to advanced age and any individual can utilize its value at any point along your journey.

  • The report will include full explanations of your: Destiny, Soul Emotional Desire, Personality, Purpose, Mid-Life Goal, Personal Year, Strengths and Weaknesses and Soul Qualities or Life Lessons–shedding light on where you started (from childhood), where you have traveled, where you are today and in the future, based on your age. As you read your report, you will understand that this is an all-inclusive treatise of information about you, the real you, your life and your aspirations. This 40-page report covers every facet of you or your multi-dimensional karmic alignment in this lifetime.

  • With this report, you will discover whether you are either “off-track” (the norm), or “on-track” and exactly where you should be in life (not the norm) after evaluating the information in your report. Where you are today is the result of the decisions you have made along your journey

  What You Should Know About Chaldean Numerology

  • It is a proven ancient science of numbers based on sound vibrations and energy
  • It is a derivative of the Hebrew alphabet
  • It can be traced back to August 4004 BCE (Before Common Era)
  • It is a universal science of numbers developed for all cultures
  • It has nothing to do with religion; it is a brilliant mathematical formula
  • It is a fact that everything in the Universe is named and numbered
  • It is a decoder to decipher and extract information
  • It is the best kept secret of all times

   Benefits of This Special Radio Offer

  • This report is a buy of a lifetime and is only offered through Joanne’s radio special
  • Helps you to gain insight and clarity into all areas of your life
  • Helps you discover whether you are “on” or “off” track by age ranges
  • Allows you to see the bigger picture of who you are
  • Alerts you to potential roadblocks along the way
  • Provides cautions about certain areas and times of your life
  • Gives you options for controlling changes in your life

  What If You Could:

  • Get laser-like insight into your Destiny and Purpose?
  • Understand your karmic journey and personal characteristics?
  • Overcome the behavior patterns that keep you STUCK?
  • Understand how to take enlightened control of your life?
  • Understand your multi-dimensional karmic alignment of self?
  • Be guided on which positive life decisions to take and goals to create?
  • Know how you are wired--from the inside-out?
  Your God Code Report will provide you with answers to these questions and more.

What Does Your Chaldean Numerology Comprehensive Report Reveal?
The first part of the report is an introduction to educate and bring you up to speed with understanding Your God Code. The majority of the report is all about you revealing each of your components or characteristics that are explained in full detail, one component/characteristic at a time as listed below

  • Destiny
  • Soul Emotional Desire
  • Personality
  • Purpose
  • Mid-Life Goal
  • Personal Year
  • Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Opportunities
  • Life Lessons
When you intellectually understand your personal characteristics and traits, development, strengths and weaknesses and how all of your components work or don’t work well together (aggressive versus nonaggressive), then you are more apt to make better choices in life. This knowledge will enable you to see the bigger picture of who you are to better understand your behavioral patterns which is an investment in your future.

Click to View Sample Report (Oprah Winfrey)

(Note: This is how your complete 41 page report will look like!)

Special Offer #2
A Total Value of $399
Yours for Only $179
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied,
you may Receive a full refund. Conditions Apply*
One Comprehensive Numerology Report
“Discover the Science of You Your Personal Assessment to Unlocking the Secrets of Your Full Potential—Your God Code”

+ 30-Minute, Recorded, Live, Private Reading/Consultation with Joanne
Discover the “Secret” to Your Success by Knowing How You Are “Wired” From the “Inside-Out”

FORMAT: PDF Download
It all starts with “YOU!” The secret to your success in life boils down to FIRST knowing who are you and how you are wired from the “inside-out.”

This knowledge will enable you to see the bigger picture of who you are to better understand your behavior patterns and why you react the way you do.


Special Offer #1

A Total Value of $249
Yours through
From Heartache to joy
for only $137
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied, you may Receive a full refund. Conditions Apply*
One Comprehensive Numerology Report
“Discover the Science of You - Your Personal Assessment to Unlocking the Secrets of Your Full Potential—Your God Code”

Special Offer #2

A Total Value of $399
Yours through
From Heartache to joy
for only $179
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied, you may Receive a full refund. Conditions Apply*
One Comprehensive Numerology Report
“Discover the Science of You Your Personal Assessment to Unlocking the Secrets of Your Full Potential—Your God Code”

+ 30-Minute, Recorded, Live, Private Reading/Consultation with Joanne

Dear Joanne

" With tears in my eyes l feel so blessed to have had this session with you. You have given me so much inspiration, and l honestly feel your caring, and that's what the tears are for. I feel so joyful and so grateful that l shared this special time with you! "

Thank you for your warmth and encouragement"

~With much love

Dearest Joanne,

" Thank you" are merely inadequate words of appreciation when I try to express my sincere gratitude for ALL the insight you provided me last during my reading ...Bless you for sharing your Gift!!!"


~ Angela


" Just want to give you an enormous heartfelt thank you. The information you gave me is very powerful and I know it will help me to stay focused."

Thank you for everything! Cheers! All Blessings to You Always!

~ Sarah

Dear Joanne,

" Your insight was as correct as it was entertaining. I could not have imagined what the outcome of the reading would be. Thank you so much! As lots of my life could have gone better, had I known earlier what I know now after many trials and errors, I am thinking of offering your insight to members of my family who stand on crossroads."

Best wishes and regards,

~ Josef


" Thank You So Much for Your Incredible Insights! I now feel so much Clearer!!!...and Confident about my choices...and Ready to take Action!!!"


~ Lisa


"I am grateful and thankful for your help. "

~ Ben

"Thank you so much for your time this morning, Joanne. The charts and your analyses were so absolutely spot-on, and just what we need right now as we decide what's next for us. We're ready to move on, but with a better understanding of where to and why we feel (gently) pulled in certain directions. What a blessing to have found you! I've been trying to think of a word to describe how I feel post-charts/analysis-I think it is 'awakened'. If I thought I understood why I am as I am, now I actually know and can see it clearly and objectively."

Thanks again!

~ Leigh

Dear Joanne,

" Well I am resonating on a higher frequency after your comprehensive consultation of my chart yesterday! In all my 74 years I have never felt any one including all my many therapists, teachers or counselors, really understanding where I was coming from. The amazing thing is, I didn't know myself! You gave face to my underlying passion and helped me realize it as what I have been given to do in this life time! That puts a whole new light on everything!

What a difference I feel by being given hope that I was given a purpose at birth! No wonder you love what you are doing! I love it too! Thank you for sharing it so enthusiastically with me! I feel I can write "Love Lil" with real integrity now! "

Much Love and gratitude...

~ Lii

Hi Joanne,

" Just wanted to express my sincere appreciation for your work and the time you spent with me yesterday. How can I explain this but to say, my soul feels complete. I meditated on the "creative" thing we discussed and found that I would love to work more with photography. That feels right to me and hope it "completes" me even more."

Thank you so much once again!

~ Lorraine


" It was a pleasure speaking with you. Thank you for talent and wisdom. I'll let you know how my life turns around."

Warm regards,

~ Sandy

Hi Joanne,

" I wanted to say thank you for helping me get back on my path, and I appreciate all the time you spent with me. Thank you for the recommendations."

All the best to you!

~ Travis

Thank you Joanne.

"You have helped me understand my family more than I ever could have even though I've been told numerous times I have the answers but in saying that I believe I shut down years ago. Thank you for your talents!"


~ Elly
About Joanne Justis

Born into a metaphysical family, Ms. Justis has been a spiritual intuitive all of her life. She trained under her Mother, a Chaldean Master Numerologist who originally founded Numbers R U. And together, they have provided charts and readings since 1984. Ms. Justis created and designed a comprehensive and responsive Chaldean Numerology Web site ( Her computer software program, Numerology for the New Era, was inspired by and based on an original software program copyrighted by her mother in 1984. The result of years of research, Numerology for the New Era is a unique, one-of-a-kind, newly redesigned and revised innovative PC and web-based application which utilizes leading-edge technology and has the ability to calculate dates between 1900 and 3004, a span of over 1,000 years. This top-of-the-line software program enables to provide clients with perfectly accurate Numerology charts specializing in complete character analysis,holistic tracking of an individuals entire life experiences plus five years into the future, compatibility charts for families, singles, couples and business partners, in addition to baby name testing, naming for business ventures, companies, and products, pet and animal (pedigree) naming, and more.


Special Offer #1

A Total Value of $249
Yours through
From Heartache to joy
for only $137
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied, you may Receive a full refund. Conditions Apply*
One Comprehensive Numerology Report
“Discover the Science of You - Your Personal Assessment to Unlocking the Secrets of Your Full Potential—Your God Code”

Special Offer #2

A Total Value of $399
Yours through
From Heartache to joy
for only $179
Our intention is to be of service. If within thirty days You are not satisfied, you may Receive a full refund. Conditions Apply*
One Comprehensive Numerology Report
“Discover the Science of You Your Personal Assessment to Unlocking the Secrets of Your Full Potential—Your God Code”

+ 30-Minute, Recorded, Live, Private Reading/Consultation with Joanne


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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.
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